
A fully type safe mocking, call verification and import replacement library for jasmine and jest


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A fully type safe mocking, call verification and import replacement library that works with jasmine and jest

Documentation: https://morganstanley.github.io/ts-mocking-bird/

Why use this?

Intellisense Demo

  • All operations fully type safe
  • Mocks interfaces, existing objects and classes
  • Mocks constructor, static functions, static properties as well as instance functions and properties
  • Verifies function calls (with type safe parameter verification), as well as getter and setter calls
  • Replaces imports (again, fully type safe)

Typescript Version

Requires a minimum Typescript version of 4.2.

Framework support

This library has been tested with and supports Jasmine versions 1 and 2 and Jest versions 26 and 27. The mocking functionality should work in any environment as it has no dependencies on any particular framework. The import replacement functionality uses the jasmine beforeAll / afterAll and beforeEach / afterEach so will not work in other environments.


npm install @morgan-stanley/ts-mocking-bird

Create a Mock


Creates a mock that is typed as IMyService. Properties and functions can be setup using mockedService. The actual mocked service is accessible at mockedService.mock.

import {
} from '@morgan-stanley/ts-mocking-bird';

const mockedService: IMocked<IMyService> = Mock.create<IMyService>().setup(
    setupFunction('functionOne'), // allows the function to be called and allows verification of calls
    setupFunction('functionTwo', (value: string) => (value === 'something' ? true : false)), // specifies return value
    setupProperty('propOne', 'initialValue'),
    defineProperty('propTwo', () => 'getter return value', (value: string) => console.log(`setter called: ${value}`)), // define getter and setter mocks

const systemUnderTest = new SUT(mockedService.mock); // pass mock instance to system under test

Mocking a Class with Constructor and Statics

Creates a mock that has statics and can be instantiated using new mockedService.mock().

const mockedService = Mock.create<MyService, typeof MyService>().setup(
    setupStaticFunction('staticFunctionOne', () => 'mockedReturnValue'),
    defineStaticProperty('staticPropOne', () => 'mockedStaticGetter'),

const systemUnderTest = new ClassWithConstructorArgument(mockedService.mockConstructor); // pass mock constructor to system under test

Verify Calls


Jasmine / Jest Matchers

When a mock is created using Mock.create() the custom matchers that are used by ts-mocking-bird are automatically setup. However this can only be done if the creation occurs within a before function. If you need to manually setup the custom matchers please call addMatchers():

import { addMatchers } from '@morgan-stanley/ts-mocking-bird'

describe("my test", () => {
    beforeEach(() => {

Verify that a function was called a number of times without checking parameters

const mockedService: IMocked<IMyService> = Mock.create<IMyService>().setup(setupFunction('functionOne'));

const systemUnderTest = new ClassWithInstanceArgument(mockedService.mock);


Verify that a function was called once with specific parameters:

const mockedService: IMocked<IMyService> = Mock.create<IMyService>().setup(setupFunction('functionOne'));

const systemUnderTest = new ClassWithInstanceArgument(mockedService.mock);


Verify Constructor Parameters

const mockInstance = Mock.create<ClassWithInstanceArgument, typeof ClassWithInstanceArgument>().setup(

new mockInstance.mockConstructor(serviceInstance);


Verify Getter:

const mockedService: IMocked<IMyService> = Mock.create<IMyService>().setup(setupProperty('propOne'));

const systemUnderTest = new ClassWithInstanceArgument(mockedService.mock);


Verify Setter:

const mockedService: IMocked<IMyService> = Mock.create<IMyService>().setup(setupProperty('propOne'));

const systemUnderTest = new ClassWithInstanceArgument(mockedService.mock);


Verify that a function was called once and was not called any other times using strict:

If we use strict() we ensure that the function is ONLY called with the specified parameters

const mockedService: IMocked<IMyService> = Mock.create<IMyService>().setup(setupFunction('functionTwo'));

const systemUnderTest = new ClassWithInstanceArgument(mockedService.mock);


    ).wasCalledOnce(); // this will fail as called twice in total

    ).wasCalledOnce(); // this will pass as only called once with params 'someValue'

Verify function calls using a function verifier returned from myMock.setupFunction():

const mockedService: IMocked<IMyService> = Mock.create<IMyService>();
const functionVerifier = mockedService.setupFunction('functionTwo');

const systemUnderTest = new ClassWithInstanceArgument(mockedService.mock);


Verify Function Parameters


Verify that function parameters match using strict equality

const sampleMock = Mock.create<ISampleMocked>().setup(setupFunction('functionOne'));

const sampleObject: IPerson = { name: 'Fred', id: 1 };
sampleMock.mock.functionOne('one', 2, sampleObject);

        .withParameters('one', 2, sampleObject) // strict equality

Verify that function parameter values are equal

const sampleMock = Mock.create<ISampleMocked>().setup(setupFunction('functionOne'));

sampleMock.mock.functionOne('one', 2, { name: 'Fred', id: 1 });

        .withParametersEqualTo('one', 2, { name: 'Fred', id: 1 }) // equals used to match

Use alternate matchers

import { toBeDefined, any } from "@morgan-stanley/ts-mocking-bird"

const sampleMock = Mock.create<ISampleMocked>().setup(setupFunction('functionOne'));

sampleMock.mock.functionOne('one', 2, { name: 'Fred', id: 1 });

        .withParameters('one', toBeDefined(), any())

Match values with a function

A function with a signature of (value: T) => boolean can be used to match a parameter value but this will not provide information about what the expected parameter value is in the test failure message.

const sampleMock = Mock.create<ISampleMocked>().setup(setupFunction('functionOne'));

sampleMock.mock.functionOne('one', 2, { name: 'Fred', id: 1 });

        .withParameters('one', 2, person => person.id === 1)

Create a custom IParameterMatcher to create more informative failure messages

const sampleMock = Mock.create<ISampleMocked>().setup(setupFunction('functionOne'));

sampleMock.mock.functionOne('one', 2, { name: 'Fred', id: 1 });

        .withParameters(toBe('one'), toBe(2), {
            isExpectedValue: person => person.id === 1,
            expectedDisplayValue: 'Person with id 1', // Used to display expected parameter value in failure message
            parameterToString: person => `Person with id ${person.id}`, // Used to display value of actual parameters passed in failure message

Replace Imports


Jest Modules

Using proxyModule we proxy all functions and constructors in a module so that they can be replaced at a later point. This allows us to create a new mock implementation of a class or function for each test run and means that concurrent tests are not polluted by the state of previous tests.

import { proxyModule, registerMock, reset } from '@morgan-stanley/ts-mocking-bird';

import * as originalModule from "modulePath";

const proxiedModule = proxyModule(originalModule);

describe("my-system-under-test", () => {

    mockImports(originalModule, proxiedModule);

    beforeEach(() => {
        const mockedClass = Mock.create<ClassToMock>();

        registerMock(proxiedModule, {ClassToMock: mockedClass})

    afterEach(() => {


Using proxyJestModule we register our proxied module with jest.

import * as moduleProxy from "../../relative-import-path";

jest.mock('../../relative-import-path', () =>

describe("my-system-under-test", () => {

    beforeEach(() => {
        const mockedClass = Mock.create<ClassToMock>();

        registerMock(moduleProxy, {ClassToMock: mockedClass})

    afterEach(() => {


This works in a node environment (replaceProperties does not due to the way require works) and is a more reliable way of mocking imports as jest hoists this mocking code above all other imports so it is guaranteed to run before the members of the module are imported into the system under test. For this to work the following must be observed:

  • As the jest.mock function is hoisted it can't refer to any variables outside the function. This is why require('@morgan-stanley/ts-mocking-bird') is used rather than using an existing import. The import path for the module must also be specified multiple times rather than using a variable for the same reason.
  • The path passed to jest.mock, passed to proxyJestModule and used to import the moduleProxy must all point to same location. For example if a barrel is being imported then all 3 paths must point to same barrel.
  • the path passed to proxyJestModule must either be an ambient import such as fs or path, a non relative import such as @morgan-stanley/my-dependency-name or it must be an absolute path. If a relative path such as ../../main/myImport is used this path will not be resolvable from the proxyJestModule function. To get the absolute path use require.resolve('../../relative-import-path')

Replace an imported function with a mocked function once at the start of your test

import * as myImport from './exampleImports';

describe('replace imports', () => {
    const someFunctionMock = () => 'mockedReturnValue';

    replaceProperties(myImport, { someFunction: someFunctionMock });

    it('should replace function import', () => {
        const SUT = new ClassUsingImports('one', 2);

        expect(SUT.someFunctionCallingMockedImport()).toEqual('mockedReturnValue'); // value comes from mock above, not original import

Replace an imported function and a class and generate a new mock before each test run

import * as myImport from './exampleImports';

describe('replace imports', () => {

    describe('create new mock before each test', () => {
        let mockService: IMocked<IMyService>;
        let mockPackage: IMocked<typeof myImport>;

        replacePropertiesBeforeEach(() => {
            mockService = Mock.create<IMyService>();
            mockPackage = Mock.create<typeof myImport>().setup(setupFunction('someFunction')); // recreate mocks for each test run to reset call counts

            return [{ package: myImport, mocks: { ...mockPackage.mock, MyService: mockService.mockConstructor } }];

        it('so that we can assert number of calls', () => {
            const SUT = new ClassUsingImports('one', 2);



Webpack 4 issues

If you get an error such as

TypeError: Cannot redefine property: BUILD_ID

This is most likely because webpack 4 uses configurable:false when defining properties on import objects. This means that we are unable to replace them when we want to mock them.

This situation is handled by this mocking library but for it to be fully effective the mocking library needs to be imported before any other code - in other words before webpack has a chance to create any import objects.

To do this simply import this library before you import your tests or any other code.

For example:

import "@morgan-stanley/ts-mocking-bird"; // monkey patch Object.defineProperty before any other code runs

// Find all the tests.
const context = (require as any).context('./', true, /.spec.ts$/);
// And load the modules.
npm i @morgan-stanley/[email protected]

