
Chuck plugin that converts Industry Foundation Classes 3D models with IfcOpenShell

chuck-ifc npm version license Travis Build

Chuck plugin that converts Industry Foundation Classes models with IfcOpenShell.

:point_right: @mitm/chuck, a fully-featured webservice that builds Unity3D asset bundles.

:white_check_mark: Requirements

The plugin requires you to install IfcConvert globally (at least, it must be available it the $PATH).

Ensure that the version you download is superior or equal to version 0.5. The library is known to crash on 0.4 and prior versions.

:package: Installation & Usage

Like any other chuck plugin, install it alongside of @mitm/chuck:

yarn add @mitm/chuck-ifc

Then load it with chuck (see chuck's documentation about configuration and plugins if necessary):

CHUCK_STEPMODULEPLUGINS=@mitm/chuck-ifc yarn chuck

:wrench: Configuration

Like with chuck, configuration is done via environment variables.

Variable Default Description
CHUCK_IFC_IFCCONVERTPATH IfcConvert (= in the PATH) Path to the IfcConvert executable
npm i @mitm/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 5/26/2017

