
A Mocha test runner with code coverage support for VS Code Azure Data Studio Extensions.
VSCode Extension Cover Test


A Mocha test runner with code coverage support for VS Code and Azure Data Studio Extensions. This replaces the standard test runner from vscode/lib/testrunner and adds in code coverage support.


In a standard VSCode extension project, replace the src/test/index.ts file with the contents of sample/index.ts installed as part of this node module. This will use the test runner with coverage.

To configure coverage settings, copy the samples/coverconfig.json beside the index.ts file and edit its contents. It defines where the expected src directory is, where to save coverage files, and more.


  • Run yarn install to install dependencies
  • Run yarn compile or yarn watch to compile


Release a new version of the extension by:

  1. Bump the version in package.json
  2. Merge into main
  3. Create a new tag with the version number specified in step 1
  4. The release will be created in Github automatically by the CD pipeline, go to it and download the package artifact (tgz)
  5. Run npm publish <path to tarball>


This code is originally from https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-mssql. I have preserved the MIT license statement and Copyright from that project so things are still marked as Copyright Microsoft.

npm i @microsoft/vscodetestcover


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Microsoft
  • released 8/14/2023
