
Wrapper package for the VS Code File Downloader extension

VS Code File Downloader API

This package acts as a wrapper around the VS Code File Downloader extension, which exposes an API that allows other extensions to download and manage binary dependencies.

Useful links:


Place the following in your VS Code extension's package.json file:

"extensionDependencies": [


To get the API:

import { Uri } from "vscode";
import { getApi, FileDownloader } from "@microsoft/vscode-file-downloader-api";
const fileDownloader: FileDownloader = await getApi();

Download file:

Simplest case:

const file: Uri = await fileDownloader.downloadFile(

With cancellation token and download progress callback:

import { Uri, CancellationTokenSource } from "vscode";

const cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
const cancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource.token;

const progressCallback = (downloadedBytes: number, totalBytes: number | undefined) => {
    console.log(`Downloaded ${downloadedBytes}/${totalBytes} bytes`);

const file: Uri = await fileDownloader.downloadFile(

Extract .zip file into directory:

If you set shouldUnzip to true and download a .zip file, it will be automatically extracted to a folder titled filename.

const directory: Uri = await fileDownloader.downloadFile(
    /* cancellationToken */ undefined,
    /* progressCallback */ undefined,
    { shouldUnzip: true }

List previously downloaded files:

const downloadedFiles: Uri[] = await fileDownloader.listDownloadedItems(context);

Get a single downloaded file:

try {
    const downloadedFile: Uri = await fileDownloader.getItem(filename, context);
catch (error) {
    // File does not exist in downloads directory


const downloadedFile: Uri = await fileDownloader.tryGetItem(filename, context);
if (downloadedFile === undefined) {
    // File does not exist in downloads directory

Delete downloaded files

Delete one file:

await fileDownloader.deleteItem(filename, context);

Delete all files:

await fileDownloader.deleteAllItems(context);


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This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.

Testing changes

Do not use npm link to test changes locally. It can result in duplicate type declarations that can cause problems with TypeScript. To test changes locally, compile and pack the package:

npm run compile
npm pack

This produces a file called microsoft-vscode-file-downloader-api-X.X.X.tgz where X.X.X is the version number. Install the package in the consumer extension's root folder:

npm install ./path/to/microsoft-vscode-file-downloader-api-X.X.X.tgz
npm i @microsoft/vscode-file-downloader-api


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • mindaro
  • released 7/14/2020
