
Extensibility model for implementing container runtime providers (shared by VS and VS Code)



This package adds support for various Docker container runtimes, abstracting away the details of the runtime and the way it is called, to provide a common interface for any Docker runtime (e.g. Docker in WSL, Docker Engine, Docker Desktop, etc.).


Each of the runtime clients provide a command line to execute and a function to parse the output, for each relevant operation. These items are combined into a CommandResponse object. In addition, many helpful utility classes are provided, for building command lines, running the commands, and a handful of other scenarios.


Here is an example for inspecting a container that uses the ShellStreamCommandRunnerFactory provided by this library:

// Build the necessary objects
const dockerClient = new DockerClient();
const factory = new ShellStreamCommandRunnerFactory({
    // Many options are supported
const runCommand = factory.getCommandRunner();

// Get the command response, and run it in the shell command runner
const inspectionResults: InspectContainersItem[] | undefined = await runCommand(
    dockerClient.inspectContainers({ containers: ['myContainerName'] })

// Get the first item in the results
const result: InspectContainersItem | undefined = inspectionResults?.[0];

// If an item was found, output some information about it
if (result) {
    console.log(`${result.name} is running image ${result.imageName} (${result.imageId})`);




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