
Autorest test server.

Test server V2


  • Node.js


  • VSCode, with the following plugins
    • Prettier
    • ESLint
    • EditorConfig


# Start testserver
autorest-testserver run

# Start testserver at given port
autorest-testserver run --port=<port>

# Start testserver without reseting the coverage. This can be used when you are running the test server multiple times to get the full coverage.
autorest-testserver run --appendCoverage

# Stop testserver
autorest-testserver stop

# Stop testserver running at the given port
autorest-testserver stop --port=<port>

# Sepecify the coverage directory
autorest-testserver run --coverageDirectory=<path>

Coverage upload

Upload the coverage produce by the autorest testserver.

autorest-testserver-coverage publish \
  --coverageDirectory=<path> \
  --repo=<repo> \
  --ref=<path> \
  --githubToken=<ghToken> \
  --azStorageAccount=<account> \

Clear coverage folder

Clear the coverage folder. --coverageDirectory is optional. It defaults to ./coverage

autorest-testserver-coverage clear [--coverageDirectory=<path>]


# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start for dev: Will start the server and automatically restart in case there is changes in the files.
npm run start:dev

# Start for running: Will build and start the server
npm run start

# Format all the files(Required for CI). Use prettier vscode extension(or other editor prettier integration) for on save formatting.
npm run format

Writing mock apis

See docs

npm i @microsoft.azure/autorest.testserver


  • MIT
  • >=18
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • released 8/27/2024
