
The metric class definition which metric objects in the @metrics library is instansiated from
server-statistics server-stats statistics metrics monitoring


The metric class definition which metric objects is instansiated from.

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$ npm install @metrics/metric


const Metric = require('@metrics/metric');

const metric = new Metric({
    name: 'unique_metric_name',
    description: 'Description of metric being collected',
    value: 10,


This module is the metric class definition which metric objects is instansiated from.

All modules in the @metric family which exchange data over the stream API exchange this object type. This object definition is intended to be static over time so modules who depend on a module in the @metric family can rely on exchanging data over time.

This class definition is prefered over object literals when exchanging data over the stream API because it will guarantee that all properties are available on the object. All undefined properties will have a null value, making sure they are kept when serialized to JSON.

The metric object aims to be compatible with the Open Metrics initiative.


Create a new Metric instance.

 const Metric = require('@metrics/metric');
 const metric = new Metric(options);

options (required)

An object literal reflecting the properties of this class. The following properties is required:

  • name - String - The name of the metric.
  • description - String - The description of the metric.

Each property value is validated and will throw if a property value is found to be invalid.


The instansiated object has the following properties:


The name of the metric.

  • Valid value: String in the range of [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_].
  • Value is immutable.
  • Is required.


A human readable description of the metric.

  • Valid value: String.
  • Value is immutable.
  • Is required.


The value of the metric.

  • Valid value: Integer or null.
  • Value is immutable.
  • Defaults to null.


A hint of what type of metric this is.

  • Valid value: Integer in the range of 0-7.
  • Value is immutable.
  • Defaults to 0.

Each numeric value reflect one of the following types:

  • 0 represents unknown.
  • 1 represents gauge.
  • 2 represents counter.
  • 3 represents state_set.
  • 4 represents info.
  • 5 represents cumulative histogram.
  • 6 represents gauge histogram.
  • 7 represents summary.


The source of the metric in terms of where it originated.

  • Valid value: String or null.
  • Value is mutable.
  • Defaults to null.


A timestamp of when the metric was created.

  • Valid value: Double - epoc milliseconds.
  • Value is immutable.
  • Defaults to Date.now() / 1000.


An Array of labeled values. Each item in the Array must be a Label object. Please see the Labels section for further info.

  • Valid value: Array of Label objects.
  • Value is immutable.
  • Defaults to an empty Array.


Available to be used to hold any data. The input is not validated.

  • Valid value: any.
  • Value is immutable.
  • Default to null.


Is deprecated.

Label object

A Label object is a object literal which have the following properties:


The name of the label.

  • Valid value: String in the range of [a-zA-Z0-9_].
  • Is required.


The value of the label.

  • Valid value: Integer, String, Boolean or null.
  • Is required.
npm i @metrics/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Trygve Lie
  • released 1/16/2019
