
A modern mandatory toolbelt to help test solana SDK libraries and apps on a locally running validator.
solana blockchain test tools utilities


A m odern man datory toolbelt to help test solana SDK libraries and apps on a locally running validator.

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


Aside from providing a CLI for various tasks, amman also provides commonly used actions, transactions, asserts and more via an API. Please find the API docs here.


amman [command]

  amman start    Launches a solana-test-validator and the amman relay and/or
                 mock storage if so configured
  amman stop     Stops the relay and storage and kills the running solana
                 test validator
  amman logs     Launches 'solana logs' and pipes them through a prettifier
  amman airdrop  Airdrops provided Sol to the payer
  amman label    Adds labels for accounts or transactions to amman
  amman account  Retrieves account information for a PublicKey or a label or
                 shows all labeled accounts
  amman run      Executes the provided command after expanding all address

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]

Commands: start

amman start <config.js>

If no config.js is provided amman looks for an .ammanrc.js file in the current directory. If that isn't found either it uses a default config.

The config should be a JavaScript module exporting 'validator' with any of the below properties:

  • killRunningValidators: if true will kill any solana-test-validators currently running on the system.
  • programs: bpf programs which should be loaded into the test validator
  • accountsCluster: default cluster to clone remote accounts from
  • accounts: array of remote accounts to load into the test validator
  • jsonRpcUrl: the URL at which the test validator should listen for JSON RPC requests
  • websocketUrl: for the RPC websocket
  • ledgerDir: where the solana test validator writes the ledger
  • resetLedger: if true the ledger is reset to genesis at startup
  • verifyFees: if true the validator is not considered fully started up until it charges transaction fees

Example Configs

Validator/Relay/Storage Config with Defaults

Below is an example config with all values set to the defaults except for an added program and a relay and storage config.

A amman-explorer relay is launched automatically with the validator unless it is running in a CI environment and if a relay is already running on the known relay port, it is killed first.

A mock storage is launched only if a storage config is provided. In case a storage server is already running on the known storage port, it is killed first.

import { LOCALHOST, tmpLedgerDir } from '@metaplex-foundation/amman'

module.exports = {
  validator: {
    killRunningValidators: true,
    programs: [
        label: 'Token Metadata Program',
        programId: programIds.metadata,
        deployPath: localDeployPath('mpl_token_metadata')
    jsonRpcUrl: LOCALHOST,
    websocketUrl: '',
    commitment: 'confirmed',
    ledgerDir: tmpLedgerDir(),
    resetLedger: true,
    verifyFees: false,
    detached: process.env.CI != null,
  relay: {
    enabled: process.env.CI == null,
    killlRunningRelay: true,
  storage: {
    enabled: process.env.CI == null,
    storageId: 'mock-storage',
    clearOnStart: true,

Config with Remote Accounts

Below is an example of a config where the accounts are being pulled from a specific RPC endpoint.

module.exports = {
  validator: {
    // By default Amman will pull the account data from the accountsCluster (can be overridden on a per account basis)
    accountsCluster: 'https://api.metaplex.solana.com',
    accounts: [
          label: 'Token Metadata Program',
          // marking executable as true will cause Amman to pull the executable data account as well automatically
          executable: true,
          label: 'Random other account',
          // By default executable is false and is not required to be in the config
          // executable: false,
          // Providing a cluster here will override the accountsCluster field
          cluster: 'https://metaplex.devnet.rpcpool.com'

Deactivating Test Validator Features

For the different clusters like devnet some features are disabled. By default the locally running solana-test-validator does not disable any features and thus behaves differently than the provided clusters.

In order to run tests in a scenario that is closer to how they would run against a specific cluster you can match the features of it via the matchFeatures config property:

module.exports = {
  validator: {
    // The below disables any features that are deactivated for the `mainnet-beta` cluster
    matchFeatures: 'mainnet-beta',

If you want to explicitly disable a set of features you can do so via the deactivateFeatures property:

module.exports = {
  validator: {
   deactivateFeatures: ['21AWDosvp3pBamFW91KB35pNoaoZVTM7ess8nr2nt53B'],

NOTE: that only one of the above properties can be set




npm i @metaplex-foundation/amman

