
Utility library for Facebook Messenger's Send API in Node.js
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Utility library for Facebook Messenger's Send API in Node.js

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Facebook Messenger Send API is the main API used to send messages to users. Besides sending plain text messages, the API allows one to send:-

  1. Quick replies
  2. Rich media messages (images, audios, videos, or files)
  3. Templates (generic template, button template, receipt template, list template)

This simple utility library makes sending all these types of messages easier but ONLY a few of them are supported with utility method as of now due to usage. However, one can always use the base method to send any message type as custom payload.

Message Type Utility method
custom payload
read receipt
typing bubble
button template
generic template
receipt template

Table of contents




# Install via NPM
$ npm install --save @messageflow/send-as



const {
  // sendAsButtonTemplate,
  // sendAsGenericTemplate,
  // sendAsQuickReply,
  // sendAsReadReceipt,
  // sendAsReceiptTemplate,
  // sendAsText,
  // sendAsTypingBubble,
} = require('@messageflow/send-as');

/** Send as custom payload */
void async function demoSendAsCustomPayload() {
  try {
    const recipient = {
       * These IDs are page-scoped IDs (PSID).
       * This means that the IDs are unique for a given page.
      id: '<PSID>',
    const message = {
      attachment: {
        type: 'template',
        payload: {
          template_type: 'media',
          elements: [
              media_type: '<image|video>',
              url: '<FACEBOOK_URL>',
    const d = await sendAs({
      url: '<FACEBOOK_GRAPH_URL>/me/messages?access_token=<FACEBOOK_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN>',

    assert.deepEqual(d, {
      message_id: 'mid.$cAAJsujCd2ORj_1qmrFdzhVa-4cvO',
      recipient_id: '<PSID>',
    }); // OK
  } catch (e) {
    console.error('Failed to send as custom payload', e);

Native ES modules or TypeScript

import {
  // sendAsButtonTemplate,
  // sendAsGenericTemplate,
  // sendAsQuickReply,
  // sendAsReadReceipt,
  // sendAsReceiptTemplate,
  // sendAsText,
  // sendAsTypingBubble,
} from '@messageflow/send-as';

/** Send as custom payload */
void async function demoSendAsCustomPayload() {
  try {
    const recipient = {
       * These IDs are page-scoped IDs (PSID).
       * This means that the IDs are unique for a given page.
      id: '<PSID>',
    const message = {
      attachment: {
        type: 'template',
        payload: {
          template_type: 'media',
          elements: [
              media_type: '<image|video>',
              url: '<FACEBOOK_URL>',
    const d = await sendAs({
      url: '<FACEBOOK_GRAPH_URL>/me/messages?access_token=<FACEBOOK_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN>',

    assert.deepEqual(d, {
      message_id: 'mid.$cAAJsujCd2ORj_1qmrFdzhVa-4cvO',
      recipient_id: '<PSID>',
    }); // OK
  } catch (e) {
    console.error('Failed to send as custom payload', e);

API Reference


  • id <string> PSID of the message recipient.


  • url <string> URL to send message to.
  • recipient <Recipient> Description of the message recipient.
  • message <Object> Description of the message to be sent.
    • text <string> Message text. Must be UTF-8 and has a 2000 character limit. text or attachment must be set.
    • attachment <Object> Used to send messages with media or structured messages. text or attachment must be set.
    • quick_replies <Object> Optional array of quick_reply to be sent with messages.
    • metadata <string> Optional custom string that is delivered as a message echo. 1000 character limit.
  • notificationType <string> Optional push notification type.
    • REGULAR: sound/ vibration.
    • SILENT_PUSH: on-screen notification only.
    • NO_PUSH: no notification.
  • typingDelay <number> Optional typing delay in milliseconds. Defaults to 500.
  • options <Object> Optional request options. See node-fetch options for more details.



  • url <string> URL to send message to.
  • recipient <Recipient> Description of the message recipient.
  • showTyping <boolean> If true, display typing bubble. Defaults to true.
  • options <Object> Optional request options. See node-fetch options for more details.


  • url <string> URL to send message to.
  • recipient <Recipient> Description of the message recipient.
  • message <Object> Description of the message to be sent.
    • text <string> Message text. Must be UTF-8 and has a 2000 character limit.
  • notificationType <string> Optional push notification type.
    • REGULAR: sound/ vibration.
    • SILENT_PUSH: on-screen notification only.
    • NO_PUSH: no notification.
  • typingDelay <number> Optional typing delay in milliseconds. Defaults to 500.
  • options <Object> Optional request options. See node-fetch options for more details.


  • url <string> URL to send message to.
  • recipient <Recipient> Description of the message recipient.
  • message <Object> Description of the message to be sent.
    • text <string> Non-empty message text to send with the quick replies. text or attachment must be set. 2000 character limit.
    • attachment <Object> Optional attachment to send with the quick replies. text or attachment must be set.
    • quick_replies <Array<quick_reply>> An array of objects the describe the quick reply buttons to send. A maximum of 11 quick replies are supported.
  • notificationType <string> Optional push notification type.
    • REGULAR: sound/ vibration.
    • SILENT_PUSH: on-screen notification only.
    • NO_PUSH: no notification.
  • typingDelay <number> Optional typing delay in milliseconds. Defaults to 500.
  • options <Object> Optional request options. See node-fetch options for more details.


  • url <string> URL to send message to.
  • recipient <Recipient> Description of the message recipient.
  • message <Object> Description of the message to be sent.
    • attachment <Object> An object describing attachments to the message.
      • type <string> Value must be template.
      • payload <Object> Payload of the template.
        • template_type <string> Value must be button.
        • text <string> Must be UTF-8 encoded text. 640 character limit.
        • buttons <Array<button>> An array of 1 - 3 buttons that appear as call-to-actions.
  • notificationType <string> Optional push notification type.
    • REGULAR: sound/ vibration.
    • SILENT_PUSH: on-screen notification only.
    • NO_PUSH: no notification.
  • typingDelay <number> Optional typing delay in milliseconds. Defaults to 500.
  • options <Object> Optional request options. See node-fetch options for more details.


  • url <string> URL to send message to.
  • recipient <Recipient> Description of the message recipient.
  • message <Object> Description of the message to be sent.
    • attachment <Object> An object describing attachments to the message.
      • type <string> Value must be template.
      • payload <Object> Payload of the template.
        • template_type <string> Value must be generic.
        • elements <Array<Object>> An array of element objects that describe instances of the generic template to be sent. A horizontally scrollable carousel forms when more than 1 element in a template. 10 elements limit.
          • title <string> Title of the template. 80 character limit.
          • subtitle <string> Optional subtitle of the template. 80 character limit.
          • image_url <string> Optional image URL of the template.
          • default_action <Object> Optional default action executed when the template is tapped. Has the same properties as URL button, except the title.
          • buttons <Array<button>> Optional array of buttons to append to the template. 3 buttons limit for each element.
        • sharable <boolean> Optional native share button in Messenger for the the template message. Defaults to false.
        • image_aspect_ratio <string> Optional aspect ratio used to render images specified by element.image_url. Must be horizontal (1.91:1) or square (1:1). Defaults to horizontal.
  • notificationType <string> Optional push notification type.
    • REGULAR: sound/ vibration.
    • SILENT_PUSH: on-screen notification only.
    • NO_PUSH: no notification.
  • typingDelay <number> Optional typing delay in milliseconds. Defaults to 500.
  • options <Object> Optional request options. See node-fetch options for more details.


  • url <string> URL to send message to.
  • recipient <Recipient> Description of the message recipient.
  • message <Object> Description of the message to be sent.
    • attachment <Object> An object describing attachments to the message.
      • type <string> Value must be template.
      • payload <Object> Payload of the template.
        • template_type <string> Value must be receipt.
        • recipient_name <string> The recipient's name.
        • order_number <string> Unique order number.
        • currency <string> Currency of the payment.
        • payment_method <string> Custom string about which payment method and account a customer used, e.g. Visa 1234
        • summary <Object> Payment summary.
          • total_cost <number> Total cost of the order, including sub-total, shipping, and tax.
          • subtotal <number> Optional sub-total of the order.
          • shipping_cost <number> Optional shipping cost of the order.
          • total_tax <number> Optional tax of the order.
        • sharable <boolean> Optional native share button in Messenger for the the template message. Defaults to false.
        • merchant_name <string> Optional merchant's name. It is shown as logo text if this presents.
        • timestamp <number> Optional timestamp of the order in seconds.
        • elements <Object> Optional array of elements of the order. 100 elements limit. Order of the elements is not guaranteed.
          • title <string> Name of the item.
          • price <number> Price of the item. It is a free item when the value is 0.
          • subtitle <string> Optional description of the item.
          • quantity <number> Optional quantity of the item.
          • currency <string> Optional currency of the item price.
          • image_url <string> Optional image URL of the item.
        • address <Object> Optional shipping address of the order.
          • street_1 <string> Street address, line 1.
          • city <string> City name of the address.
          • postal_code <string> Postal code of the address.
          • state <string> State abbreviation for U.S. addresses, or the region/ province for non U.S. addresses.
          • country <string> 2-letter country code of the address.
          • street_2 <string> Optional street address, line 2.
        • adjustments <Object> Optional array of payment adjustments, such as discounts.
          • name <string> Name of the adjustment.
          • amount <number> Amount of the adjustment.
  • notificationType <string> Optional push notification type.
    • REGULAR: sound/ vibration.
    • SILENT_PUSH: on-screen notification only.
    • NO_PUSH: no notification.
  • typingDelay <number> Optional typing delay in milliseconds. Defaults to 500.
  • options <Object> Optional request options. See node-fetch options for more details.


  • recipient_id <string> Unique ID for the user which is usually the PSID.
  • message_id <string> Unique ID for the message.


  • error <Object> Error object when a request fails.
    • message <string> Error message.
    • type <string> Error type.
    • code <number> Error code.
    • fbtrace_id <string> Unique ID for tracing the error request.


  • params <SendAsParams> Parameters required to call the method.
  • returns: <Promise<Response>> Promise which resolves with a JSON object containing identifiers for the message and its recipient.

The method throws an ErrorResponse when the request is not a successful.


  • params <SendAsReadReceiptParams> Parameters required to call the method.
  • returns: <Promise<Response>> Promise which resolves with a JSON object containing identifiers for the message and its recipient.

The method throws an ErrorResponse when the request is not a successful.


  • params <SendAsTypingBubbleParams> Parameters required to call the method.
  • returns: <Promise<Object>> Promise which resolves with a JSON object containing identifiers for its recipient.


  • params <SendAsTextParams> Parameters required to call the method.
  • returns: <Promise<Response>> Promise which resolves with a JSON object containing identifiers for the message and its recipient.

The method throws an ErrorResponse when the request is not a successful.


  • params <SendAsQuickReplyParams> Parameters required to call the method.
  • returns: <Promise<Response>> Promise which resolves with a JSON object containing identifiers for the message and its recipient.

The method throws an ErrorResponse when the request is not a successful.


  • params <SendAsButtonTemplateParams> Parameters required to call the method.
  • returns: <Promise<Response>> Promise which resolves with a JSON object containing identifiers for the message and its recipient.

The method throws an ErrorResponse when the request is not a successful.


The method throws an ErrorResponse when the request is not a successful.


The method throws an ErrorResponse when the request is not a successful.


MIT License © Rong Sen Ng

npm i @messageflow/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • >= 8.9.0
  • Rong Sen Ng
  • released 3/30/2018

