
A high-performance URL router
router fast performance url


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A high-performance URL router for JavaScript/Node.js.


  • Currently the fastest JavaScript router implementations out there (see benchmarks)
  • Supports multiple routes with the same prefix as dynamic routes (see here for details)
  • Only handles routing the URL, so it’s very flexible for building features on top of it
    • e.g. This makes it easy to support 405 Method Not Allowed responses


npm install @medley/router
# or
yarn add @medley/router


new Router([options])

  • options (object) - Optional object that may have any of the following options:
    • storeFactory (function) - Called when a new route is registered to create the route store.
      • Default: () => Object.create(null)

Constructs a new router instance.

const Router = require('@medley/router');
const router = new Router();

Use the storeFactory option to customize the route store object.

const Router = require('@medley/router');

const router = new Router({
  storeFactory() {
    return { handlers: new Map(), middlewares: [] };

const store = router.register('/');
console.log(store); // { handlers: Map {}, middlewares: [] }


  • path (string) - The route path.
  • Returns: object - The route store.

Registers a route and returns the route store object.
If the route path has already been registered, the route store is simply returned.

const Router = require('@medley/router');
const router = new Router();

const store = router.register('/users/:id');
console.log(store); // [Object: null prototype] {}

HTTP example:

const Router = require('@medley/router');
const router = new Router();

function addRoute(method, path, handler) {
  const store = router.register(path);
  store[method] = handler;

addRoute('GET', '/', () => { /* ... */});
addRoute('GET', '/users', () => { /* ... */});
addRoute('POST', '/users', () => { /* ... */});

Path Formats

1. Static

Static routes match exactly the path provided.

2. Parametric

Path segments that begin with a : denote a parameter and will match anything up to the next / or to the end of the path.


Everything after the : character will be the name of the parameter in the route params object.


const route = router.find('/users/100');
console.log(route.params); // { userID: '100' }

If multiple routes have a parameter in the same part of the route, the parameter names must be the same. For example, registering the following two routes would be an error because the :id and :userID parameters conflict with each other:


Parameters may start anywhere in the path. For example, the following are valid routes:

'/api/v:version' // Matches '/api/v1'
'/on-:event'     // Matches '/on-click'
3. Wildcard

Routes that end with a * are wildcard routes. The * will match any characters in the rest of the path, including / characters or no characters.

For example, the following route:


will match all of these URLs:


The wildcard value will be set in the route params object with '*' as the key.


let route = router.find('/static/favicon.ico');
console.log(route.params); // { '*': 'favicon.ico' }

route = router.find('/static/');
console.log(route.params); // { '*': '' }


  • url (string) - The URL used to find a matching route.
  • Returns: ({store: object, params: object} | null) - The route store and matching parameters, or null if the URL did not match any registered routes.

Finds a route that matches the provided URL. Returns null if no route matches the URL.

const Router = require('@medley/router');
const router = new Router();

function addRoute(method, path, handler) {
  const store = router.register(path);
  store[method] = handler;

addRoute('GET', '/', () => {});
addRoute('GET', '/users', () => {});
addRoute('POST', '/users', () => {});
addRoute('GET', '/users/:id', () => {});
addRoute('GET', '/static/*', () => {});

// {
//   store: { GET: [Function] },
//   params: {}
// }

// {
//   store: { GET: [Function], POST: [Function] },
//   params: {}
// }

// {
//   store: { GET: [Function] },
//   params: { id: '100'}
// }

// {
//   store: { GET: [Function] },
//   params: { '*': 'js/common.js' }
// }

// null

Path Match Order

This router allows different types of routes with the same prefix to overlap. Overlapping routes will match in the following order:

  1. Static
  2. Parametric
  3. Wildcard

For example, with the following routes defined:


incoming URLs will be matched like this:

// Matches '/static/favicon.ico'

// Matches '/static/:hash/webpack/*'

// Matches '/static/*'
npm i @medley/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • >=8
  • Nathan Woltman
  • released 10/10/2019

