
Essential body parsers for Medley.
medley body parser fast json buffer text


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Essential body parsers for Medley.

This module provides the following parsers:


npm install @medley/body-parser --save
# or
yarn add @medley/body-parser


const bodyParser = require('@medley/body-parser');

The bodyParser module exposes various factory functions that create a body-parsing onRequest/preHandler hook. All factory functions take an options object for configuration.

const bodyParser = require('@medley/body-parser');
const medley = require('@medley/medley');
const app = medley();

app.post('/user', {
  preHandler: bodyParser.json()
}, function handler(req, res) {
  req.body // Contains the request body

Note: Using body-parsers as a route-level preHandler rather than a global onRequest hook is better for performance and security since this avoids running the hook for requests that don’t need it (such as GET requests and requests that don’t match a route). This also gives you more control over where the body-parser runs, allowing you to ensure that it will only run after things like authentication and authorization hooks.


Returns a hook that parses request bodies as JSON using JSON.parse().



Type: number
Default: 102400 (100 KiB)

Specifies the maximum acceptable request body size.

bodyParser.json({limit: 100000})

Type: string | Array<string> | function
Default: 'application/json'

Determines whether or not to parse the request body based on the request’s media type. If a MIME type string or array of strings, it uses compile-mime-match to match against the request’s Content-Type header. If a function, it is called as fn(req) and the request will be parsed if the function returns a truthy value.

bodyParser.json({type: '*/json'})

Type: boolean
Default: false

Throw a 415 Unsupported Media Type error if the request media type does not match the type option.


Returns a hook that parses request bodies into a string.



Type: number
Default: 102400 (100 KiB)

Specifies the maximum acceptable request body size.

bodyParser.text({limit: 100000})

Type: string | Array<string> | function
Default: 'text/plain'

Determines whether or not to parse the request body based on the request’s media type. If a MIME type string or array of strings, it uses compile-mime-match to match against the request’s Content-Type header. If a function, it is called as fn(req) and the request will be parsed if the function returns a truthy value.

bodyParser.text({type: 'text/*'})

Type: boolean
Default: false

Throw a 415 Unsupported Media Type error if the request media type does not match the type option.


Returns a hook that parses URL-encoded request bodies into an object.



Type: number
Default: 102400 (100 KiB)

Specifies the maximum acceptable request body size.

bodyParser.urlEncoded({limit: 100000})

Type: string | Array<string> | function
Default: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

Determines whether or not to parse the request body based on the request’s media type. If a MIME type string or array of strings, it uses compile-mime-match to match against the request’s Content-Type header. If a function, it is called as fn(req) and the request will be parsed if the function returns a truthy value.

bodyParser.urlEncoded({type: '*/x-www-form-urlencoded'})

Type: boolean
Default: false

Throw a 415 Unsupported Media Type error if the request media type does not match the type option.


Type: function
Default: querystring.parse

Specifies the function that will parse the request body from a string into an object. This can be used as a way to call querystring.parse() with options.

const querystring = require('querystring');

function customParser(body) {
  return querystring.parse(body, null, null, {maxKeys: 20});

bodyParser.urlEncoded({parser: customParser})


Returns a hook that parses request bodies into a Buffer.



Type: number
Default: 102400 (100 KiB)

Specifies the maximum acceptable request body size.

bodyParser.buffer({limit: 100000})

Type: string | Array<string> | function
Default: 'application/octet-stream'

Determines whether or not to parse the request body based on the request’s media type. If a MIME type string or array of strings, it uses compile-mime-match to match against the request’s Content-Type header. If a function, it is called as fn(req) and the request will be parsed if the function returns a truthy value.

bodyParser.buffer({type: 'image/png'})

// Parse every request, regardless of its media type
bodyParser.buffer({type: () => true})

Type: boolean
Default: false

Throw a 415 Unsupported Media Type error if the request media type does not match the type option.

Reusable Hooks Pattern

To avoid having to create a new hook for every route that needs one, a body-parser can be attached to an app using the app.extend() method so it can easily be reused in multiple routes.

const medley = require('@medley/medley');
const bodyParser = require('@medley/body-parser');

const app = medley();

app.extend('jsonBodyParser', bodyParser.json({
  rejectUnsupportedTypes: true

app.post('/user', {
  preHandler: app.jsonBodyParser
}, function handler(req, res) {
  // ...

app.post('/comment', {
  preHandler: app.jsonBodyParser
}, function handler(req, res) {
  // ...
npm i @medley/body-parser


  • MIT
  • >=8
  • Nathan Woltman
  • released 11/2/2019

