
More friendly API Wrapper for Cloudinary Node.js
cloudinary jamstack image optimization api


More friendly API Wrapper for Cloudinary SDK

🧰  Setup

  1. Add @mayas/cld-api dependency to your project
npm i @mayas/cld-api

#Or by YARN
yarn add @mayas/cld-api
  1. Create an .env file in the root directory with the following details
// Any other field

🛑  Remember to add .env to .gitignore to avoid committing and pushing this file to remote repo by accident.

  1. Start using 😃


const { CldApi } = require('@mayas/cld-api');

const instance = new CldApi({
  cloudName: process.env.CLOUDNAME,
  apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
  apiSecret: process.env.API_SECRET,  
  /* other Cloudinary options */

This is the class wrapper for basic Cloudinary APIs, which provides the following methods or fields:


Instance that contains the functionalities for images

  • CldApi.image.url(publicId, options?)

    • publicId : String - required The path to stored asset in Cloudinary. See here to know how to get publicId.
    • options : Object - Optional transformations or configurations to apply to the target asset.

    Returns a delivery url String for an asset from Cloudinary based on publicId and with transformations passed to options.

    // get delivery url for an asset "sample" on scaled size 500x500
    const url = instance.image
                  .url('sample', {
                    crop: 'scale',
                    width: '500',
                    height: '500'
  • CldApi.image.fetchRemote(url, options?)

    • url : String - required - Valid URL path to an image.
    • options : Object - Additional effects/transformations to apply to the original image on delivery.

    Returns a Cloudinary delivery url String for the requested image.

    const url = instance.image
                    { crop: 'scale', width: 200 })


Instance that contains the functionalities for images

  • CldApi.video.url(publicId, options?)

    • publicId
      • Type: String
      • required
      • Path to original video stored in Cloudinary. See here to know how to get publicId.

    Returns the delivery URL of an video based on its publicId and options for additional effects/transformations to apply to the original version stored in Cloudinary.

    // get delivery url for an asset "sample" on scaled size 500x500
    const url = instance.image
                  .url('sample', {
                    crop: 'scale',
                    width: '500',
                    height: '500'
  • CldApi.video.thumbnail(publicId, options?)

    • publicId
      • Type: String
      • required
      • Path to original video stored in Cloudinary
    • options
      • Type: Object
      • Additional effects/transformations to apply to the thumbnail image generated from the original video.

    Returns Object which contains:

    • url
      • Type: String
      • Delivery URL generated for the requested video as a video thumbnail.

CldApi.upload(file, options?)

  • file
    • Type: String
    • required
    • Path to the target asset file for uploading
  • options
    • Type: Object
    • Configuration options to apply to the target asset during uploading to Cloudinary.
  • Returns a Promise<Asset | Error>

Tip: Check out Asset API to understand the structure of the uploaded asset returned from Cloudinary.

const instance = this.$cloudinary
                .upload('my-target-file-path', {
                  public_id: 'Example'


  • options
    • Type: Object

Find and returns the assets stored in Cloudinary based on the options sent. Some options are presented below:

Option Type Required Default Description
resourceType string Required if use prefix image Type of the stored asset. Can be image, raw and video (including audio).
type string Required if use prefix all Storage type of the asset on Cloudinary.
maxResults number No 10 Max number of resources to query
tags boolean No false Whether to include the list of tags for each resource
prefix string No N/A the folder to find the match resources.
context boolean No false Specify if the context data per resource should be returned. It is useful for alt text, or custo metadata in key:value pairs for a resource in Cloudinary.
const instance = this.$cloudinary
                  type: "upload",
                  prefix: 'examples',
                  max_results: 50

CldApi.resource(publicId, options?)

  • publicId
    • Type: String
    • required
    • Path to the original asset stored in Cloudinary.
  • options
    • Type: Object
    • options.type is required.

Tip: See Cloudinary delivery types for full list of available values.

const instance = this.$cloudinary
                .resource('my-target-public-id', {
                  type: 'upload'


  • options
    • Type: Object
    • Configuration options for Cloudinary.

Returns the current Cloudinary config after updated.

const updatedConfig = this.$cloudinary
                  cloudName: 'your-new-cloud-name'

console.log(updateConfig) //{ cloud_name: 'your-new-cloud-name' }


const { CONSTANTS } = require('@mayas/cld-api')

The available constants for usage:


Map of acceptable delivery types for passing to upload call. Including:

Variable Value
UPLOAD 'upload'
PRIVATE 'private'
AUTHENTICATED 'authenticated'
FETCH 'fetch'
MULTI 'multi'


Map of default basic optimization applied to any asset upon the call url()

Field Value
fetchFormat 'auto'
quality 'auto'


Map of basic asset types accepted by Cloudinary instance.

Type Value
IMAGE 'image'
VIDEO 'video'


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run yarn build:api to compile the current code from TypeScript to JavaScript.
  3. Run yarn test:api to test the api.


MIT License


Created and maintained by Maya Shavin

npm i @mayas/cld-api


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Maya Shavin
  • released 11/5/2020

