
Material Design dialog web component
material design web components dialog

<mwc-dialog> Published on npm

IMPORTANT: The Material Web Components are a work in progress and subject to major changes until 1.0 release.

Dialogs inform users about a task and can contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks.

Material Design Guidelines: dialogs



npm install @material/mwc-dialog

NOTE: The Material Web Components are distributed as ES2017 JavaScript Modules, and use the Custom Elements API. They are compatible with all modern browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and IE11, but an additional tooling step is required to resolve bare module specifiers, as well as transpilation and polyfills for IE11. See here for detailed instructions.

Example usage


<mwc-dialog open>
  <div>Discard draft?</div>


  mwc-dialog div {
    flex-direction: column;
  mwc-dialog div, mwc-radio {
    display: flex;

<mwc-dialog heading="Phone Ringtone" open>
    <mwc-formfield label="Never Gonna Give You Up">
      <mwc-radio id="a1" name="a" checked></mwc-radio>
    <mwc-formfield label="Hot Cross Buns">
      <mwc-radio name="a"></mwc-radio>
    <mwc-formfield label="None">
      <mwc-radio name="a"></mwc-radio>

<script type="module">
  import '@material/mwc-dialog/mwc-dialog.js';
  import '@material/mwc-button/mwc-button.js';
  import '@material/mwc-radio/mwc-radio.js';
  import '@material/mwc-formfield/mwc-formfield.js';


<mwc-dialog heading="Privacy Policy" open>
  really large amount of text...


  .styled {
    --mdc-shape-medium: 0px;

    /* color buttons */
    --mdc-theme-primary: #344955;

<mwc-dialog heading="Styled" class="styled" open>
      In this dialog we have changed the button color and removed the border
  <mwc-button slot="primaryAction" dialogAction="close">
    This button is bluish!


<mwc-dialog heading="Stacked" stacked>
    This is what happens when you set the stacked property on mwc-dialog.
    Notice that the primary action is now on top.
  <mwc-button slot="primaryAction" dialogAction="close">
  <mwc-button slot="secondaryAction" dialogAction="close">

Form Validation

<mwc-dialog id="dialog" heading="Form Validation">
  <p>This dialog can validate user input before closing.</p>
    placeholder="First name"
  const dialog = document.querySelector('#dialog');
  const textField = document.querySelector('#text-field');
  const primaryButton = document.querySelector('#primary-action-button');

  primaryButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
    // validate, possible asynchronous such as a server response
    const isValid = textField.checkValidity();
    if (isValid) {


Prevent Scrim Clicks

<mwc-dialog scrimClickAction="">
    This will prevent a click outside of the dialog from closing the dialog.
  <mwc-button slot="primaryAction" dialogAction="close">
  <mwc-button slot="secondaryAction" dialogAction="close">

Prevent Escape Key Action

You can prevent the default escape key action from closing the dialog by setting the escapeKeyAction attribute to an empty string "".

<mwc-dialog escapeKeyAction="">
    This will prevent the escape key from closing the dialog.
  <mwc-button slot="primaryAction" dialogAction="close">
  <mwc-button slot="secondaryAction" dialogAction="close">



Name Description
default Primary content area. May contain a list, a form, or prose.
primaryAction Footer area containing the dialog's primary action button.
secondaryAction Footer area containing the dialog's secondary action button.


Name Type Description
open boolean Whether the dialog should open.
hideActions boolean Hides the actions footer of the dialog. Needed to remove excess padding when no actions are slotted in.
stacked boolean Whether to stack the action buttons.
heading string Heading text of the dialog.
scrimClickAction string Default: 'close' – Action to be emitted with the closing and closed events when the dialog closes because the scrim was clicked (see actions section). Setting this attribute to an empty string "" will prevent clicks outside the dialog from closing the dialog.
escapeKeyAction string Default: 'close' – Action to be emitted with the closing and closed events when the dialog closes because the escape key was pressed (see actions section). Setting this attribute to an empty string "" will prevent the escape key from closing the dialog.
defaultAction string Default: 'close' – Action to be emitted with the closing and closed events when <mwc-dialog>.open is toggled (see actions section).
actionAttribute string Default: 'dialogAction' – Attribute to read in light dom of dialog for closing action value (see actions section).
initialFocusAttribute string Default: 'dialogInitialFocus' – Attribute to search for in light dom for initial focus on dialog open.


Name Description
forceLayout() => void Forces dialog to relayout (animation frame time). May be required if dialog size is incorrect or if stacked layout has not been triggered correctly.
focus() => void Focuses on the initial focus element if defined (see focus section).
blur() => void Blurs the active element.
show() => void Opens the dialog.
close() => void Closes the dialog.


Event Name Target Description
click root element Detects if clicked target is a dialog action.
resize window Performs dialog layout (passive).
orientationchange window Performs dialog layout (passive).
keydown mwc-dialog Listens for the enter key to click the default button (passive).
keydown document Listens for the escape key to close the dialog (see escapeKeyAction).


Event Name Target Detail Description
opening mwc-dialog {} Fired when the dialog is beginning to open.
opened mwc-dialog {} Fired once the dialog is finished opening (after animation).
closing mwc-dialog {action: string} Fired when the dialog is is beginning to close. Detail is the action that closed the dialog (see actions section).
closed mwc-dialog {action: string} Fired once the dialog is finished closing (after animation). Detail is the action that closed the dialog (see actions section).

CSS Custom Properties

Name Default Description
--mdc-dialog-scrim-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.32) Color of the scrim. (Note: setting alpha to 0 will still make scrim clickable but transparent).
--mdc-dialog-heading-ink-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87) Color of the heading text.
--mdc-dialog-content-ink-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) Color applied to the projected content. (Note: it may also be possible to style the content via the light DOM since it is not encapsulated in a shadow root).
--mdc-dialog-scroll-divider-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) Color of the dividers present when dialog is scrollable.
--mdc-dialog-min-width 280px min-width ofthe dialog surface.
--mdc-dialog-max-width 560px max-width of the dialog surface. (Note: if max-width is < 560px, there is a visual jank bug that will occur causing the max width to be 560px when the window is sized to <= than 560px).
--mdc-dialog-max-height calc(100% - 32px) Max height of the dialog surface.
--mdc-dialog-box-shadow mdc elevation 24 Sets the box shadow of the dialog.
--mdc-dialog-z-index 7 Sets the z-index of the dialog and scrim.

Elevation values

Elevation Level CSS Value
24 0px 11px 15px -7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0px 24px 38px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0px 9px 46px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)

Global Custom Properties

This component exposes the following global theming custom properties.

Name Description
--mdc-theme-surface Color of the dialog surface's background.
--mdc-shape-medium Corner radius of the dialog surface.
--mdc-typography-body1-<PROPERTY> Styles the typography of the dialog's text.
--mdc-typography-headline6-<PROPERTY> Styles the typography of the action buttons.


Actions close the dialog on click. You can define an action by slotting an element with the dialogAction="..." string attribute. The name of the attribute can be customized by the actionAttribute property. When a clickable element with the dialogAction attribute is clicked, mwc-dialog will get the value of the attribute and fire the closing and subsequent closed events with a detail of {action: <clickedElement.getAttribute('dialogAction')>}.

For example:

<mwc-dialog open>
      This is my content. Here is an actionable button:
      <button dialogAction="contentButton">button 1</button>
      This is my content. Here is a diabled actionable button:
      <button disabled dialogAction="disabledContentButton">button 2</button>
  <mwc-button slot="primaryAction" dialogAction="ok">ok</mwc-button>
  <mwc-button slot="secondaryAction">cancel</mwc-button>

In this example we have 3 actionable elements: html <button dialogAction="contentButton">button 1</button>

<button disabled dialogAction="disabledContentButton">button 2</button>
<mwc-button slot="primaryAction" dialogAction="ok">ok</mwc-button>
  • Clicking button 1 will close the dialog and fire a closing and subsequently a closed event with a detail of {action: 'contentButton'}.
  • Clicking button 2 will not close the dialog since it is disabled
  • Clicking the cancel mwc-button will not close the dialog as it does not have a dialogAction attribute set on it.
  • Clicking the ok mwc-button will close the dialog and fire a closing and subsequently a closed event with a detail of {action: 'ok'}.
  • Setting document.querySelector('mwc-dialog').open = false; will close the dialog and fire a closing and subsequently a closed event with a detail of {action: 'close'} (action is configurable via defaultAction property).


Initial focus can be set on an element with the dialogInitialFocus boolean attribute (configurable via the initialFocusAttribute property).

For example:

<mwc-dialog heading="Initial Focus" open>
    In this example we set "dialogInitialFocus" on the mwc-textfield.
    When this dialog opens, it is auto-focused.
      label="i am auto-focused"
  <mwc-button slot="primaryAction" dialogAction="close">
  <mwc-button slot="secondaryAction" dialogAction="close">

In this example we set dialogInitialFocus on the mwc-textfield, so mwc-textfield.focus() will be called on the button. This attribute can also be set on anything in the light DOM of mwc-dialog or the light dom of the flattened, distributed nodes including the primary and secondary actions. Only one element designated with this attribute will be focused.

Calling focus() on the mwc-dialog itself will call focus() on any dialogInitialFocus element in the light DOM of mwc-dialog.

Calling blur() on the mwc-dialog will attempt to blur the activeElement of the shadow root of mwc-dialog or the root node of the dialog.

Additional references

npm i @material/mwc-dialog

