
A NativeScript plugin to deal with Android & iOS permissions
NativeScript permissions android android 6 androidx ios

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A NativeScript plugin to deal with Android permissions (mainly for API 23+/Android 6+) and iOS Permissions

This plugin also has built in support for the special Android WRITE_SETTINGS & SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission that has a completely different permission path.


This is released under the MIT License, meaning you are free to include this in any type of program -- However for entities that need a support contract, changes, enhancements and/or a commercial license please contact me at http://nativescript.tools.

I also do contract work; so if you have a module you want built for NativeScript (or any other software projects) feel free to contact me [email protected].

Donate Patreon

Sample Snapshot


You can see me do something that requests permissions; then I deny the permissions. The second time through you will see the toast about why I think I need these permissions; then I finally accept them.


This requires NativeScript 2.0 or greater


tns plugin add @master.technology/permissions


To use the module you just require() or include it:

const permissions = require( "@master.technology/permissions" );

You ask, how exactly does this help?

This wraps up common permissions for both platforms, in addition to the common permissions, you can request any specific android permissions.

const permissions = require('@master.technology/permissions');

// Both iOS and Android Camara permission will be requested
    .then( () => {
        console.log("Woo Hoo, I have the power!");
    .catch( () => {
        console.log("Uh oh, no permissions - plan B time!");

Example of an Android specific permission...

const permissions = require('@master.technology/permissions');

// Only this specific Android permission will be requested, on iOS it will REJECT the permission since it doesn't exist on iOS
permissions.requestPermission(android.Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS, "I need these permissions because I'm cool")
  .then( () => {
     console.log("Woo Hoo, I have the power!");
  .catch( () => {
     console.log("Uh oh, no permissions - plan B time!");

Android only: The explanation won't be showed unless they have denied the request once...

Why use this?

This simplifies the checks and allows you to have different courses of action depending on the results of the permission request.

Supported Cross Platform Permissions


Supported iOS specific Permissions

    APP_TRACKING   -- This will always resolve TRUE on android

If there are other iOS permissions you want to see supported please let me know on the github repo...

Supported Android Specific Permissions

    READ_CALENDAR // This maps to Read/Write Calendar on iOS 
    READ_CONTACTS // This maps to Read/Write Contacts on iOS
    READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,  WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE // These will always resolve true on iOS.




  • permissionName - The permission you are requesting.
  • returns Boolean - true or false

permissions.hasPermissions([permissionName, permissionName, ...]);

  • permissionName(s) - The permission(s) you are requesting.
  • returns Object
    checked: 0, // Total number of permissions checked.
    success: 0, // Number of permissions you have
    failed: 0,  // Number of permissions you do NOT have
    permissionName(s): false, // Each permission with it status

<Promise> = permissions.requestPermission(permissionName, explanation);

  • <Promise> - the .then() path will be permission granted, the .catch() will be permission denied
  • permissionName - The permission you are requesting - REQUIRED
  • explanation - This can be either a string that will show as a toast at the top of the screen or this can be a function callback that will be called so that you can show whatever you want. - OPTIONAL

<Promise> = permissions.requestPermissions([permissionName, permissionName, ...], explanation);

  • <Promise> - the .then() path will mean ALL permissions were granted the .catch() means some or all permission were denied
  • permissionName(s) - The ARRAY of permissions you are requesting - REQUIRED
  • explanation - This can be either a string that will show as a toast at the top of the screen or this can be a function callback that will be called so that you can show whatever you want. - OPTIONAL

The granted or failed promise will return an object keyed to your permissionName Like so:

  "contact": true,
  "camera": false

If you are granted and receive all permissions, then it will resolve with the granted permission promise. If you failed to get even one of the permissions then it will then resolve the failed/catch promise; then you can use the object list to determine which permission(s) you failed and were granted by the end user. So in the above example object, this would have been resolved to the failed promise because you failed to get the camera access.

Android Notes

Because this uses support.v4 (or androidx); this code works on ALL versions that nativescript supports currently. So you can start coding this into your app at this point and your app should work on everything.

You still need to put all the permissions you need in the manifest as usual, even on Android 6. On Android 6 you ALSO must ask the user for permissions each time you go to do anything that needs a "dangerous" permission. You can see all the permissions at https://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission.html.

Warning: even though the application has been granted permissions once, does NOT mean the app still has permissions; the user can revoke the "dangerous" permissions even while the app is running. So again YOU MUST use requestPermissions each time. If the app still has the permissions you will be granted it immediately without the user seeing a dialog.

In NativeScript when using the permissions names/strings in your code; they are accessed as: android.Manifest.permission.PERMISSION_NAME rather than the android.permission.PERMISSION_NAME that you would put inside the manifest and are listed on the Android documentation site listed above.

The Android manifest that you need to put the permissions in also is located at /app/App_Resources/Android/main/res/AndroidManifest.xml

Android Special Permissions

If you need the Android WRITE_SETTINGS or SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission, and any other permissions; you need to make TWO separate permission calls. The WRITE_SETTINGS and SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission must be requested by itself, as they have a different permission path to make it work...

iOS Notes

Each permission has a specific info.plist value that must be set, the names are:

LOCATION: 'NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription',
CAMERA: 'NSCameraUsageDescription',
PHOTO: 'NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription',
MICROPHONE: 'NSMicrophoneUsageDescription',
CONTACTS: 'NSContactsUsageDescription',
CALENDAR: 'NSCalendarsUsageDescription',
BLUETOOTH: 'NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription' and 'NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription',
MEDIA: 'NSAppleMusicUsageDescription',
APP_TRACKING: 'NSUserTrackingUsageDescription',
npm i @master.technology/permissions


