
Yeoman generator for Lost My Name components

Component Generator

A Yeoman generator for components at Lost My Name.

To use:

npm install -g yo generator-lmn-component
yo lmn-component

Updating existing components

When the gulpfile in this repository is changed, you can use the generator to update it:

yo lmn-component:update

Remember to update lmn-component using npm update -g lmn-component.

If there are new dependencies, they won't be installed—you'll have to do that bit yourself.

GitHub support

The generator will always create a git repository for you. You can also get it to create a GitHub repository for you, and at this point you will be prompted for a "Personal access token", which you can create in Settings -> Applications.

This will be stored, so you only need to provide it the first time. Default permissions are fine, as long as it has either "repo" or "public_repo" access.

npm i @lostmyname/generator-lmn-component


  • MIT
  • >=0.10.0
  • Callum Macrae
  • released 4/23/2015

