
An express middleware to hook into the response pipeline before returning it to the client
express middleware hook nodejs

📝 express-response-hook 📝

This small middleware provides a hook into the HTTP response before ending it. Useful for logging, or doing extra things right before finishing the request.

The following properties are returned as context:

  request: {
    originalUrl: string;
    method: string;
    body: string;
    headers: Headers;
    params: any; // as parsed by express
  response: {
    statusCode: number;
    body: string;
    headers: Headers;


The middleware is created by calling the responseHook function, with your hook function as a callback argument.

const app = express();

function onRequest(context) {
  // Any logger you use :)
  console.log('Served HTTP request:', context); 


That's it! Now your response will be logged before returning it to the consumer.

npm i @lostmyname/express-response-hook

