
Logstash UDP Appender for log4js-node
logging log log4j node logstash udp

Log4JS - Logstash UDP appender

This is an optional appender for log4js-node.

npm install @log4js-node/logstashudp

The logstashUDP appender supports sending log events to a Logstash server. It uses the node.js core UDP support, and so requires no extra dependencies. Remember to call log4js.shutdown in your application if you want the UDP socket closed cleanly.


  • type - @log4js-node/logstashudp
  • host - string - hostname (or IP-address) of the logstash server
  • port - integer - port of the logstash server
  • layout - (optional, defaults to dummyLayout) - used for the message field of the logstash data (see layouts)
  • extraDataProvider - function (optional, defaults to put the second param of log to fields) - used to enhance the object sent to Logstash via UDP. this will be passed the log event and should return a object.


default config

  appenders: {
    logstash: {
      type: '@log4js-node/logstashudp',
      host: 'log.server',
      port: 12345
  categories: {
    default: { appenders: ['logstash'], level: 'info' }
const logger = log4js.getLogger();
logger.info("important log message", { cheese: 'gouda', biscuits: 'hobnob' });

This will result in a JSON message being sent to log.server:12345 over UDP, with the following format:

  '@version': '1',
  '@timestamp': '2014-04-22T23:03:14.111Z',
  'host': 'yourHostname',
  'level': 'INFO',
  'category': 'default',
  'message': 'important log message',
  'fields': {
    'biscuits': 'hobnob',
    'cheese': 'gouda'

use estraDataProvider

  appenders: {
    logstash: {
      type: '@log4js-node/logstashudp',
      host: 'log.server',
      port: 12345,
      extraDataProvider: loggingEvent => ({
        host: 'anotherHostname',  // this will replace the default real host
        clientIp: '', // this will be added
        fields: {
          tag: 'myTag', // this will be added to the fields
          pid: loggingEvent.pid, // this will be added to the fields
          cheese: 'defaultCheese' // this will be added to the fields but will not be replaced in this example
  categories: {
    default: { appenders: ['logstash'], level: 'info' }
const logger = log4js.getLogger();
logger.info("important log message", { cheese: 'gouda', biscuits: 'hobnob' });

This will result in a JSON message being sent to log.server:12345 over UDP, with the following format:

  '@version': '1',
  '@timestamp': '2014-04-22T23:03:14.111Z',
  'host': 'anotherHostname',
  'level': 'INFO',
  'category': 'default',
  'message': 'important log message',
  'clientIp': '',
  'fields': {
    'cheese': 'defaultCheese',
    'tag': 'myTag',
    'pid': 123

So, if not using the default extraDataProvider, you have to put the second param of the log to the fields yourself if you want.

npm i @log4js-node/logstashudp


