
Mongoose helper for Lad
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Mongoose helper for Lad, which is used as an alternative to the default mongoose.connect() for multiple connection management. See the Forward Email codebase for further insight into setup.

Table of Contents


Requires mongoose v6+ to be a dependency in your project.


npm install @ladjs/mongoose mongoose


const Mongoose = require('@ladjs/mongoose');
const { Schema } = require('mongoose');

(async () => {
  const m = new Mongoose({
    mongo: {
      options: { heartbeatFrequencyMS: 100, serverSelectionTimeoutMS: 1000 }

  const conn1 = await m.createConnection('mongodb://server-one.example.com/database-name').asPromise();
  const conn2 = await m.createConnection('mongodb://server-two.example.com/database-name').asPromise();

  const UserSchema = new Schema({ name: String });
  const LogSchema = new Schema({ name: String });

  const Users = conn1.model('Users', UserSchema);
  const Logs = conn2.model('Logs', LogSchema);

  // write to the server-one.example.com database
  await Users.create({ name: 'test' });

  // write to the server-two.example.com database
  await Logs.create({ name: 'test' });

Note that instances of this class Mongoose only have the method createConnection. It is not 1:1 with mongoose normal singleton.

You should use @ladjs/graceful to manage process SIGHUP and graceful exits.


Option Type Default Description
logger Object console Custom logger function, see cabin or axe as a default if desired.
mongo Object --- See below uri and options properties.
mongo.uri String undefined mongo connection URI
which is passed as the first argument to mongoose.createConnection
see mongo options docs
mongo.options Object undefined mongo connection options
which is passed as the second argument to mongoose.createConnection
see mongo options docs
bindEvents Boolean true Whether or not to bind default events to the Mongoose connection using provided logger.
hideMeta String or false Boolean "hide_meta" Appends a true boolean property to a property with this value in logs, e.g. console.log('mongoose disconnected', { hide_meta: true }); which is useful for preventing metadata object from being invoked as the second argument (this is meant for usage with Cabin and Axe and made for Forward Email). If you pass a false value then this property will not get populated.
--- --- --- ---
allowDiskUse Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
applyPluginsToChildSchemas Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
applyPluginsToDiscriminators Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
autoCreate Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
autoIndex Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
bufferCommands Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
bufferTimeoutMS Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
debug Boolean If process.env.MONGOOSE_DEBUG is truthy, then it is true, otherwise false set with mongoose.set
id Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
timestamps.createdAt.immutable Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
maxTimeMS Number 10000 set with mongoose.set
objectIdGetter Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
overwriteModels Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
returnOriginal Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
runValidators Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
sanitizeFilter Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
selectPopulatedPaths Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
strict Boolean true set with mongoose.set
strictQuery Boolean true set with mongoose.set
toJSON Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set
toObject Boolean undefined set with mongoose.set


Name Website
Nick Baugh http://niftylettuce.com
Spencer Snyder http://spencersnyder.io


MIT © Nick Baugh

npm i @ladjs/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • >=8.x
  • Nick Baugh
  • released 9/11/2017
