
An api layer for interaction with the ShapeShift Idle Router Contract and the Idle Vault contracts


ShapeShift's Idle investor package.


yarn add @shapeshiftoss/investor-idle


import { IdleVaultApi } from '@shapeshiftoss/investor-idle'

const api = new IdleVaultApi({
  adapter: adapters.byChainId(KnownChainIds.EthereumMainnet), // adapter is an ETH @shapeshiftoss/chain-adapters
  providerUrl: '<your eth node privider url>'
await api.initialize()


  • initialize
  • findAll
  • findByDepositVaultAddress
  • findByVaultTokenId
  • getGasPrice
  • getTxReceipt
  • checksumAddress
  • getVaultId
  • estimateApproveGas
  • approve
  • allowance
  • estimateDepositGas
  • deposit
  • estimateWithdrawGas
  • withdraw
  • balance
  • token
  • totalSupply
  • pricePerShare
  • apy


await api.initialize()

// (object)
await api.deposit({
  amountDesired: new BigNumber(10).times(`1e+18`), // 10 underlying tokens
  tokenContractAddress: '0xdef1cafe',
  vaultAddress: '0xdef1c4fe',
  userAddress: '0xdef1caf3',
  dryRun: false,
  wallet: HDWallet

// returns a string of the txid
//   '0x2d1e60192fe3f671ecb46d9165fdf2a03bd4a4fb8764dacc2a07c5df6307ac59'

// (object)
await api.deposit({
  amountDesired: new BigNumber(10).times(`1e+18`), // 10 underlying tokens
  tokenContractAddress: '0xdef1cafe',
  vaultAddress: '0xdef1c4fe',
  userAddress: '0xdef1caf3',
  dryRun: true,
  wallet: HDWallet
// When dryrun is true, it returns a string signed transaction
// '0xf86c0a85046c7cfe0083016dea94d1310c1e038bc12865d3d3997275b3e4737c6302880b503be34d9fe80080269fc7eaaa9c21f59adf8ad43ed66cf5ef9ee1c317bd4d32cd65401e7aaca47cfaa0387d79c65b90be6260d09dcfb780f29dd8133b9b1ceb20b83b7e442b4bfc30cb'

// (object)
await api.estimateDepositGas({
  amountDesired: new BigNumber(10).times(`1e+18`), // 10 underlying tokens
  tokenContractAddress: '0xdef1cafe',
  vaultAddress: '0xdef1c4fe',
  userAddress: '0xdef1caf3',
// returns a BigNumber of the gas estimate

// (object)
await api.apy({
  vaultAddress: '0xdef1cafe'
// returns a string of the net_apy for that vault
// '32.59'
npm i @keepkey/investor-idle


  • Unknown
  • >=14.18.1
  • Unknown
  • released 11/5/2022
