
React Component that renders the KappaSigmaMu Canary in 3D
kusama blockchain polkadot react threejs 3d

3D Kusama Canary Component

3D Canary Screenshot

A React component to render an interactive 3D Kusama Canary built on react-three-fiber.

It also supports loading different models and can be changed by given configurations.


Import the component:

 import ThreeCanary from "@kappasigmamu/canary-component"

Instatiate the component passing the model as attribute along with the right configurations for the model:

 const config = {
   "nodeCoords": "Baked_GIL_BUSTO003_1.geometry.attributes.position",
   "nodeSigns": [-1, 1, -1],
   "nodeScale": 0.5,
   "nodeGroupScale": 0.1,
   "meshColorIndex": 3,
   "modelMaterial": "MatWireframe",
   "modelScale": 0.2,
   "gridPosition": [0, -0,4, 0],
   "cameraPosition": [-1, 2.5, 4]
   objectUrl={ "/assets/gil.glb" }
   nodes={ this.state.nodesData }
   onNodeClick={ (nodeId) => {
     console.log("onNodeClick", nodeId)}
   config={ config }

If no config is given, the components defaults to the Canary model to keep backward compatibility.

It's also possible to import default configurations for models related to KSM (e.g. Canary and Gilberto Gil's bust:

 import ThreeCanary, { defaultCanaryConfig} from "@kappasigmamu/canary-component"

   objectUrl={ "/assets/gil.glb" }
   nodes={ this.state.nodesData }
   onNodeClick={ (nodeId) => {
     console.log("onNodeClick", nodeId)}
   config={ defaultCanaryConfig["gil"] }

Check ./src/index.js for a complete example on how to use the component.


Make sure you have latest stable Node.js installed (see nvm):

git clone [email protected]:KappaSigmaMu/canary-component.git
cd canary-component/
npm install

Start development mode:

npm run start

That should bring you to http://localhost:3000 with a hot-reload React app. Edit files at src/ to see live updates.

Production build

npm run build
git commit ...
git tag 0.x.x
git push
npm publish
npm i @kappasigmamu/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Vilson Vieira
  • released 6/26/2022
