
@jsonql/utils general purpose utilities library


This is a dependency module for various jsonql node / browser modules.

How to use

When using purely in browser environment, you should use @jsonql/utils/browser For ESM you could include the @jsonql/utils/esm

When using it within your JS / TS development, most of the methods can be found in @jsonql/utils Where the node only methods will be in @jsonql/utils/node@DREPRECATED

Complete list of all available functions

When use with build tool, for better tree shaking. You need to import them directly. Please reference which functions in what file below


  • accessByPath (obj: AnyType, path: string)
const obj = { a: 1, b: { c: 2} }

const c = accessByPath(obj, 'b.c')

// c === 2

@jsonql/utils/dist/array (V1.2.0 breaking)

  • inArray (arr: AnyTypeArr, value: AnyType): boolean
  • toArray (arg: AnyType): Array
  • compact (arg: Array): Array

example for compact:

const result = compcat([0, 1, 2, null, false, 3])

// [ 1, 2, 3 ]

Basically compact will remove any non-truthy value from the value, even 0!


  • chainFns (mainFn: AnyType, ...moreFns: AnyType)

It returns a function to accept parameter for the mainFn, then after execute the function will pass to the next function until we get the final result. This is a sync method.

const fn1 = (a) => a + 1
const fn2 = (b) => b + 2
const fn3 = (c) => c + 4

const fn = chainFns(fn1, fn2, fn3)

const result = fn(1)

// result === 8

You can also do this:

const fn1 = (a) => a + 1
const fn2 = (b) => [b, 2]
const fn3 = (x, y) => x + y

const fn = chainFns(fn1, fn2, fn3)
const result = fn(1)

// result === 4


  • chainPromises (promies: Array<Promise>, asObject: boolean | object = false)
  • chainProcessPromises (initPromise: JsonqlPromiseChainFn, ...promises: Array)
  • queuePromisesProcess (queue: Array, ...initValue: AnyTypeArr)

chainPromises will put every promises resolve result into an array (default) or if you set the asObject parameter to true or pass an object, it will merge into one object. In some way this is similar to Promise.all. The different is when one of the promise failed, it will stop and throw immediately. And it can config to return a merge object as result.

chainProcessPromises will return a function that accept the argument for the first async function, then each result will pass to the next function as argument. This is the async version of the above chainFns.

queuePromisesProcess is a wrapper of the chainProcessPromises, the call signature makes it easier to call with Reflect.apply


  • cloneDeepCheap (obj: AnyType)
  • cloneDeep (obj: AnyType)

cloneDeepCheap only able to clone object, internally using JSON cloneDeep will able to clone all kinds of deep structure object even a class instance (which could be expensive operation).


  • parseJson (json: AnyType, t = true): JSON | json | Error
  • createEvtName (...args: string[]): string
  • nil () => boolean (false)
  • showDeep (code: unknown): void
  • formatStr (str: string, ...args: Array): string

formatStr example:

const str = 'I want to go from {0} to {1}'

const output = formatStr(str, 'zero', 'one')

// I want to go from zero to one


  • strToNum (input: string, t = false): number
  • strToBool (input: string, t = false): boolean


  • dasherize (str: string): string


  • isEmptyObj (obj: AnyType): boolean
  • isNotEmpty (param: unknown): boolean
  • notEmpty (a: unknown, valueCheck = false): boolean
  • isEmpty (value: unknown, valueCheck?: boolean): boolean

@jsonql/utils/dist/get-dirname (node.js only!)

  • getDirname (url: string): string

This is only use in ESM env in node.js

// there is no __dirname in ESM env
const __dirname = getDirname(import.meta.url)

THIS IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE EXPORT LIST, you need to import it like so:

import { getDirname } from '@jsonql/dist/get-dirname'


  • isEqualCheap (obj1: unknown, obj2: unknown): boolean
  • isEqual (obj1: unknown, obj2: unknown)

isEqualCheap can only compare two object, isEqual can compare anything


  • isFunction (prop: unknown, debug = false): boolean
  • isAsyncFunction (prop: unknown): boolean


  • parseJWT (token: string): unknown

It returns typed as unknown is follow the standard, you have to cast it again when your own structure. In the future release, we might create our own type for a standard JWT decoded object type.


  • curry (fn: AnyType, ...args: AnyType[])
  • merge (target: AnyType, ...sources: AnyType[])
  • flatMap (arr: AnyType[], callback?: FlatMapCallback)
  • isString (value: unknown): boolean

These methods used to included from lodash-es now we implement them ourself, and cut down the library size to just 5kb


  • logger (wrapper for console.log to use in browser, set window.DEBUG=true then it will show)


  • objDefineProps (obj: AnyType, name: string, setter: AnyType, getter = null)
  • objHasProp (obj: AnyType, name: string)
  • injectToFn (resolver: JsonqlResolver | JsonqlAsyncResolver, name: string, data: AnyType, overwrite = false)


  • isObject (o: AnyType): boolean
  • isPlainObject (o: AnyType): boolean
  • isClass (o: AnyType): boolean
  • getConfigValue (name: string, obj: object)
  • assign (...args: unknown[]): unknown
  • extend (alias to assign)
  • arrToObj (args: unknown[], processor: MapCallback, initValue = {}): AnyType
  • objectHasKey (obj: object, key: string): boolean
  • readOnly (config: object): AnyType


  • promsie async (cb: AnyType)
  • processAll async (promises: Array<Promise>)

promise is just a new Promise wrapper save a bit typing

processAll return Array of Array of results, see example below

const tasks = [
// this will not throw instead put into the result array
  .then(result => {
    const done = result[0]
    const fail = result[1] // if there is no fail then this won't exist
    // done --> [1,3]
    // fail --> [2]


  • isRegExp (pat: AnyType): boolean
  • getRegex (pattern: string | RegExp): RegExp | string | boolean


  • timestamp (sec = false): number

Default return mil-seconds


  • trueTypeOf (obj: AnyType): string

Special Thank you to (c) 2021 Chris Ferdinandi, MIT License, https://gomakethings.com


  • urlParams (url: string, params: AnyType): string
  • cacheBurstUrl (url: string): string
  • cacheBurst (name = '_cb')

Please check jsonql for more information.

Joel Chu (c) 2022

npm i @jsonql/utils




  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • to1source
  • released 8/12/2022
