
Dead stupid sass inline importer (inliner)
sass inliner importer inline importer


baka is a dead stupid inliner / importer for scss files. Meaning after you run it, you'll end up with a single flattened scss file with little external dependencies.


npm install @joneff/baka --save-dev


// compile
const baka = require('@joneff/baka');
const result = baka.compile('src/style.scss');

// build
const baka = require('@joneff/baka');
baka.build('src/style.scss', 'dist/style.scss');

// build files
const baka = require('@joneff/baka');
baka.buildFiles('src/**/*.scss', { path: 'dist', filename: '[name].scss'});


The api is modeled after sass js api with some inspiration from webpack.


function compile( file: string, options?: CompileOptions ) : CompileResult;

Synchronously compiles file to inline its imports. If it succeeds it returns CompileResult, and if it fails it throws an Exception.


function build( file: string, outFile: string, options?: BuildOptions ) : void;

Internally calls compile for file and if successful, writes the content of CompileResult result to outFile.


function buildFiles( fileOrGlob: string | string[], output: OutputOptions, options?: BuildOptions ) : void;

Internally calls build for each glob result of fileOrGlob and if successful, writes the content of CompileResult result to a location determined by output.


Controls how files are loaded and output. There are a four types of options: CompileOptions and BuildOptions that are identical to SharedOption and OutputOptions. Not all matter all the time. Here are the most important ones:


type OutputOptions = {
    path: string;
    filename: string

Instructs baka on how and where it should output the result of compilation. Similar to webpack output configuration, but only supports path and filename. Both are optional.

  • path specifies the output directory. Preferably a relative path, though absolute paths are accepted as well. Defaults to path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'dist').
  • filename specifies the name of the output file. It supports the following template strings: [file], [path], [base], [name] and [ext] and they have the same meaning as with webpack. Defaults to [name]-flat[ext].


I am not really a fan of complex regex for simple tasks, like parsing @import. The following is valid syntax:

 /**/  @import       "file.css"; /**/ //

Yet, baka will not match it. So you could say that there are intended bugs. Speaking of which, any framework that doesn't terminate @import statements with ; will not be flattened. That means all frameworks using indented syntax.



npm i @joneff/[email protected]


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Ivan Zhekov
  • released 6/8/2020

