
Icelandic social security number (kennitölur) utilities for servers and clients


Icelandic national ID (kennitölur) utilities for servers and clients. Now with TypeScript support!

Build Status npm npm npm bundle size

Install with npm:

npm install kennitala

Install with yarn:

yarn add kennitala


const kennitala = require('kennitala');
// Check if kennitala is valid for either a company or individual
kennitala.isValid('3108962099'); // returns True
kennitala.isValid('8281249124'); // returns False

Heads up for storing in Databases

This library will validate kennitölur with - spacers and no spacer, so remember to sanitize your kennitala before storing in a database!

This can be done with the included .clean or .format functions like so:

const kennitala = require('kennitala');

// returns '3108962099'

More examples

const kennitala = require('kennitala');

// the .info() method returns an object with useful information
// returns
    kt: '3108962099',
    valid: true,
    type: 'person',
    birthday: 1996-08-31T00:00:00.000Z,
    birthdayReadable: 'Sat Aug 31 1996',
    age: 22

// Check if kennitala is valid for a person (returns false for companies)
kennitala.isPerson('3108962099');            // returns True
kennitala.isPerson('601010-0890');           // returns False
kennitala.isPerson(3108962099);              // returns True
kennitala.isPerson('31^_^08!!96LOL20T_T99'); // returns True

// Checks if kennitala is valid for a company (returns false for persons)
kennitala.isCompany('6010100890');  // True
kennitala.isCompany('601010-0890'); // True
kennitala.isCompany(3108962099);    // False

// the .format() method formats a kennitala and adds a traditional - spacer
// takes an optional parameter for the spacer between the 6th and 7th digit
// defaults to '-' but can be customized with an optional parameter

// returns '310896-2099'

kennitala.format('3108962099', '-apple pie-');
// returns '310896-apple pie-2099'

kennitala.format('3108962099', '');
// returns '3108962099'

// the .clean() method removes all non digit characters. ideal for database storage
kennitala.clean(3108962099); // returns '3108962099'

API documentation

kennitala.isValid([string, int]);
    returns boolean

    Checks if kennitala checksum is correct for either a person or company
    If passed a string with non-digit characters included it removes them before validating

kennitala.info([string, int]);
    returns object with relevant information about this kennitala
        kt: char(10),
        valid: boolean,
        type: enum("company", "person")
        age: int,
        birthday: Date object,
        birthdayReadable: Human readable Date String

kennitala.isPerson([string, int]);
    returns boolean

    Checks if kennitala checksum is correct and if day of birth is between 1-31
    If passed a string with non-digit characters included it removes them before validating

kennitala.isCompany([string, int]);
    returns boolean

    Checks if kennitala checksum is correct and if day of birth is between 41-71
    If passed a string with non-digit characters included it removes them before validating

kennitala.format([string, int], ?[string]);
    returns string

    Ensures datatype is string, then matches and removes all non-digit characters
    and adds a traditional '-' spacer between 6th and 7th digit. This can be customized
    with an optional 2nd parameter.

kennitala.clean([string, int]);
    returns string

    Ensures datatype is string, then matches and removes all non-digit characters.
    Does not ensure the remaining string is 10 characters or that the kennitala is valid

    returns string
    Takes Date object as a parameter and returns a new kennitala for a person

    returns string
    Takes Date object as a parameter and returns a new kennitala for a company


Uses Mocha for testing. In order to execute the tests, you need to run npm install -g mocha first. Once you've done that you can open up a command line and point it to the root directory of the project. From there you should be able to type either npm test or simply mocha to run the tests.


To build the project, you can type npm run dist, which minifies the script and generates a source map, and places both in the dist/ folder.

Sponsored by BrowserStack

Since Oct 2nd 2018 we are proudly sponsored in part by BrowserStack which sponsors thousands of open source projects. The plan is to implement automated testing for older browsers which will give us and our users good overview of the support they can expect for older browsers and operating systems.

I am using BrowserStack to easily test this library accross different browsers and operating systems from the comfort of my personal Linux machines, no need to set up a Windows or MacOS machine for testing.

  • Hermann Björgvin
npm i @island.is/kennitala


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Hermann Björgvin Haraldsson
  • released 7/1/2022
