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Inventi Common Grid

ReactJs TypeScript Redux Storybook Download Count GitHub license

Robust, complex and sophisticated component for datagrid rendering.

  • server side and client side sorting
  • server side and client side filtering
  • moving columns via drag and drop
  • column grouping
  • easy to be styled
  • redux support for external control
  • high level of customization


yarn add @inventi/mailstep-common-grid


const columnDefinitions = [
     { name: 'username', title: 'User name', flexBasis: 160 },
     { name: 'age', title: 'Age', flexBasis: 160, filteringType: 'number', },
     { name: 'isAdmin', title: 'Admin', flexBasis: 160, filteringType: 'flag', },

const data = [
    { id: 1, username: 'John deen', age: 27, isAdmin: true },
    { id: 2, username: 'Emily Watson', age: 22, isAdmin: false },

const gridActions = {
  setPage: (number) => console.log('setPage', number),
  setRowsPerPage: (number) => console.log('setRowsPerPage', number),
  addFilter: (column, value, filterProps) => console.log('add filter for column', column ),

const gridSelectors = {
    page: 1,
    rowsPerPage: 10

const MyPage = () =>


actionColumnDefinition: ActionColumn

Used to define the first column of the grid. This column usually contains buttons for displaying detail or editing data in a row and other features.


Object with keys:

Name Type Required Description Default
actionOptions Array<BatchAction> no handlers for batch action on grid []
canRowEdit boolean no shows / hides the edit button false
canRowRead boolean no shows / hides the read button false
createLink (params) => string no callback for above buttons -
forceCheckboxes boolean no displays checkboxes in each row false


Object with keys:

Name Type Required Description Default
value string yes -
label string yes -
isEnabled (checkedRows) => boolean no -

allowRowSelect: boolean, default: false

Enable select a row by clicking.

className: string, default: ''

Main className over the entire grid.

columnLayout: 'normal' | 'no-scroll', default: normal


components: Components

Used to define custom components in the grid. Object with keys:

Name Type Required Description Default
Translator React.ComponentType no see TranslatorPublicInterfaceProps -
Checkbox React.ComponentType no see CheckboxPublicInterfaceProps -
Button React.ComponentType no see ButtonPublicInterfaceProps -
Switch React.ComponentType no see SwitchPublicInterfaceProps -
Paginator React.ComponentType no see PaginatorProps -
ColumnTitle React.ComponentType no see ColumnTitleProps -


Its a component with props

Name Type Required Description Default
id string no -
defaults string no -


Its a component with props

Name Type Required Description Default
name string no -
label string, JSX.Element no -
onChange (event) => void no -
checked boolean no -


Its a component with props

Name Type Required Description Default
children React.ReactNode no -
type button, submit, reset no -
appearance string no -
isLoading boolean no -
disabled boolean no -
margin string no -
className string no -
onClick (event) => void no -


Its a component with props

Name Type Required Description Default
name string no -
label string no -
onChange (event) => void no -
checked boolean no -


Its a component with props

Name Type Required Description Default
page number yes -
itemCount number yes -
itemPerPage number yes -
onPageChange (number) => void no -


Custom component to replace column title and sorting indicator

Name Type Required Description Default
title string | JSX.Element no title of the column -
isSortable boolean yes can column be sorted -
sortValue asc | desc | null yes current applied sort on this column -
onSetSort (sortValue) => void no set new sort value for column -

columnsDefinitions: Array

Defines the properties of each grid column.

ColumnDefinition type

Object with keys:

Name Type Required Description Default
name string yes -
group string no Divides columns into the same groups. -
systemName string no -
systemFilter string no -
title string no -
filtering boolean no -
filteringType number, text, date, flag no -
filterExtraProps FilterExtraProps no -
getFilterCriteria (value: string) => {[column]: any} no -
filterOptions Array<Option> no -
sorting boolean no -
formatRowValue (row) => React.node no -
cellComponent React.ComponentType no see DataCellProps -
flexGrow number no -
flexShrink number no -
fixedSize boolean no -
alwaysOn boolean no -
defaultHidden boolean no -


Object with keys:

Name Type Required Description Default
isMulti boolean no -
comparators any no -
filterTime boolean no -
decimals number no -
isFloat boolean no -


Name Type Required Description Default
rowData T no -
onRowAction `(id, field, value) => void Promise` no
column ColumnDefinition no -

errorMessage: string

If an error occurs somewhere on the page, typically while loading data into the grid, we can display it in the grid where the rows are rendered.

extraControlButtons: Array

Buttons for other user actions can be displayed around the grid.


Object with keys:

Name Type Required Description Default
node React.ReactNode no -
onClick () => void no -
onSelect (value: string) => void no -
label React.node no -
style primary, secondary no -
options Array<Option> no -
position top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right no -
hide boolean no -
hideChevron boolean no -
disabled boolean no -

filters: FiltersConfig

gridActions: GridActionsType

gridSelectors: GridSelectorsType

hideAllControls: boolean, default: false

If set, only grid and paginator will be rendered. No other control above and below grid will be rended. Use if you want to handle grid configuration in custom way

hideColumnConfig: boolean, default: false

isLoading: boolean, default: isLoading

minColumnWidth: number, default: 30

onBatchAction: (action: batchAction, affectedRows: T[]) => void

onRowAction: (id: string, field: string, value: any) => void

onRowEditClick: (id: string, props: TData) => void

onRowReadClick: (id: string, props: TData) => void

onRowClick: (id: string, props: TData) => void

rowsData: RowProps[]

totalRowsCount: number, default: 0




npm i @inventi/mailstep-common-grid


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Inventi Development Ltd.
  • released 7/27/2022
