
Vite plugin for Vue I18n
i18n plugin vite vitejs vue vue-i18n


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Vite plugin for Vue I18n

🌟 Features

  • i18n resources pre-compilation
  • i18n custom block
  • Static bundle importing
  • Bundling optimizations

πŸ’Ώ Installation


$ npm i --save-dev @intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n


$ yarn add -D @intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n

⚠️ Notice

When this plugin is installed, Vue I18n can only use the Composition API, and if you want to use the Legacy API, you need to set the compositionOnly option to false.

Also, if you do a production build with vite, Vue I18n will automatically bundle the runtime only module. If you need on-demand compilation with Message compiler, you need to set the runtimeOnly option to false.

πŸš€ Usage

i18n resources pre-compilation

Since [email protected], the locale messages are handled with message compiler, which converts them to javascript functions after compiling. After compiling, message compiler converts them into javascript functions, which can improve the performance of the application.

However, with the message compiler, the javascript function conversion will not work in some environments (e.g. CSP). For this reason, [email protected] and later offer a full version that includes compiler and runtime, and a runtime only version.

If you are using the runtime version, you will need to compile before importing locale messages by managing them in a file such as .json.

Vite Config

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { resolve, dirname } from 'node:path'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import vueI18n from '@intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    vue(), // you need to install `@vitejs/plugin-vue`
      // if you want to use Vue I18n Legacy API, you need to set `compositionOnly: false`
      // compositionOnly: false,

      // you need to set i18n resource including paths !
      include: resolve(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), './path/to/src/locales/**'),

i18n custom block

The below example that examples/composition/App.vue have i18n custom block:

    <label>{{ t('language') }}</label>
    <select v-model="locale">
      <option value="en">en</option>
      <option value="ja">ja</option>
  <p>{{ t('hello') }}</p>

import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'

export default {
  name: 'App',
  setup() {
    const { locale, t } = useI18n({
      inheritLocale: true

    return { locale, t }

  "en": {
    "language": "Language",
    "hello": "hello, world!"
  "ja": {
    "language": "言θͺž",
    "hello": "γ“γ‚“γ«γ‘γ―γ€δΈ–η•ŒοΌ"

Locale Messages formatting

You can be used by specifying the following format in the lang attribute:

  • json (default)
  • yaml
  • yml
  • json5

example yaml format:

<i18n lang="yaml">
  hello: 'Hello World!'
  hello: 'γ“γ‚“γ«γ‘γ―γ€δΈ–η•ŒοΌ'

Static bundle importing

vite-plugin-vue-i18n allows you to statically bundle i18n resources such as json or yaml specified by the include option of the plugin described below as locale messages with the import syntax.

In this case, only one i18n resource can be statically bundled at a time with import syntax, so the these code will be redundant for multiple locales.

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
 * The i18n resources in the path specified in the plugin `include` option can be read
 * as vue-i18n optimized locale messages using the import syntax
import en from './src/locales/en.json'
import ja from './src/locales/ja.yaml'
import fr from './src/locales/fr.json5'

const i18n = createI18n({
  locale: 'en',
  messages: {

const app = createApp()

vite-plugin-vue-i18n can use the vite (rollup) mechanism to import all locales at once, using the special identifier @intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n/messages, as the bellow:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
 * All i18n resources specified in the plugin `include` option can be loaded
 * at once using the import syntax
import messages from '@intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n/messages'

const i18n = createI18n({
  locale: 'en',

const app = createApp()

Client Types

If you want type definition of @intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n/messages, add vite-plugin-vue-i18n/client to compilerOptions.types of your tsconfig:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": ["@intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n/client"]

Bundle optimizations

vite-plugin-vue-i18n allows you to support bundle size optimization provided by vue-i18n.

βš–οΈ Support for petite-vue-i18n (Experimental)

vite-plugin-vue-i18n plugin support for petite-vue-i18n.

vite-plugin-vue-i18n plugin provides several dedicated options for petite-vue-i18n.

Note that it is as experimental as Petite-vue-i18n.

πŸ“¦ Automatic bundling

For Vue I18n

As noted here, NPM provides many different builds of Vue I18n.

vite-plugin-vue-i18n will automatically select and bundle Vue I18n build according to the following vite behavior:

  • vite dev: vue-i18n.esm-bundler.js
  • vite build: vue-i18n.runtime.esm-bundler.js

About details, See the here

For petite-vue-i18n

vite-plugin-vue-i18n will automatically select and bundle petite-vue-i18n build according to the following vite behavior:

  • vite dev: petite-vue-i18n.esm-bundler.js
  • vite build: petite-vue-i18n.runtime.esm-bundler.js

πŸ”§ Options

You can specify options in the plugin option to support bundle size optimization provided by vue-i18n.

The same thing can be configured with the define option, but the plugin option is more friendly. Especially if you are using typescript, you can use intelisense.

About details, See the below section


  • Type: string | string[] | undefined

  • Default: undefined

    A minimatch pattern, or array of patterns, you can specify a path to pre-compile i18n resources files. The extensions of i18n resources to be precompiled are as follows:

    - json
    - json5
    - yaml
    - yml

    Note json resources matches this option, it will be handled before the internal json plugin of Vite, and will not be processed afterwards, else the option doesn't match, the Vite side will handle.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default: true

    Whether or not to automatically use Vue I18n runtime-only in production build, set in the vue-i18n field of Vite resolve.alias option. If false is specified, Vue I18n (vue-i18n) package.json module field will be used.

    For more details, See here


  • Type: boolean

  • Default: true

    Whether to make vue-i18n's API only composition API. By default the legacy API is tree-shaken.

    For more details, See here


  • Type: boolean

  • Default: true

    Whether to install the full set of APIs, components, etc. provided by Vue I18n. By default, all of them will be installed.

    If false is specified, buld-in components and directive will not be installed in vue and will be tree-shaken.

    For more details, See here


  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false

    Whether pre-compile number and boolean values as message functions that return the string value.

    For example, the following json resources:

      "trueValue": true,
      "falseValue": false,
      "nullValue": null,
      "numberValue": 1

    after pre-compiled (development):

    export default {
      trueValue: (() => {
        const fn = ctx => {
          const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx
          return _normalize(['true'])
        fn.source = 'true'
        return fn
      falseValue: (() => {
        const fn = ctx => {
          const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx
          return _normalize(['false'])
        fn.source = 'false'
        return fn
      nullValue: (() => {
        const fn = ctx => {
          const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx
          return _normalize(['null'])
        fn.source = 'null'
        return fn
      numberValue: (() => {
        const fn = ctx => {
          const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx
          return _normalize(['1'])
        fn.source = '1'
        return fn


  • Type: string

  • Default: undefined

    Specify the content for all your inlined i18n custom blocks on your SFC.

    defaultSFCLang must have one of the following values:

    - json
    - json5
    - yaml
    - yml

    On inlined i18n custom blocks that have specified the lang attribute, the defaultSFCLang is not applied.

    For example, with defaultSFCLang: "yaml" or defaultSFCLang: "yml", this custom block:

    <i18n lang="yaml">
      hello: Hello
      hello: Hola

    and this another one, are equivalent:

      hello: Hello
      hello: Hola


  • Type: boolean

  • Default: undefined

    Whether to include all i18n custom blocks on your SFC on global scope.

    If true, it will be applied to all inlined i18n or imported custom blocks.

    Warning: beware enabling globalSFCScope: true, all i18n custom blocks in all your SFC will be on global scope.

    For example, with globalSFCScope: true, this custom block:

    <i18n lang="yaml" global>
      hello: Hello
      hello: Hola

    and this another one, are equivalent:

    <i18n lang="yaml">
      hello: Hello
      hello: Hola

    You can also use defaultSFCLang: "yaml", following with previous example, this another is also equivalent to previous ones:

      hello: Hello
      hello: Hola

useVueI18nImportName (Experimental)

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false

    Whether to use the import name of petite-vue-i18n with the same import name as vue-i18n (import { xxx } from 'vue-i18n').

    This option allows a smooth migration from petite-vue-i18n to vue-i18n and allows progressive enhacement.

πŸ“œ Changelog

Details changes for each release are documented in the CHANGELOG.md

©️ License


npm i @intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n


  • MIT
  • >= 14.6
  • kazuya kawaguchi
  • released 12/11/2022
