
Beta - Npm package for Intercom Messenger Client SDK

Welcome to @intercom/messenger-js-sdk 👋

Version Documentation

JS wrapper for easy use of our Messenger Client API on various commonly used web frameworks

🏠 Website

📚 Developer Docs

📂 Description


$ npm install @intercom/messenger-js-sdk


yarn add @intercom/messenger-js-sdk


  • Import the package on every page that should display the messenger or on a common component used by them.
import Intercom from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";

If you have a React Remix project, please install Intercom via the named export like this:

import { Intercom } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";
  • Then call the imported function in the component render cycle with the correct parameters. This must be done on the client's side.
// ...
export default MyPage = () => {
    app_id: constants.intercom_app_id,
    user_id: user.id,
    name: user.name,
    email: user.email,
    created_at: user.createdAt,
  // ...

The package keeps track of any instances needed internally, therefore re-renders due to DOM changes won't trigger re-boot of the messenger.


  • Import the package on every page that should display the messenger or on a common component used by them.
import Intercom from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";
  • Then call the imported function in the component render cycle with the correct parameters.
// ...
export class MyPage {
  constructor() {
      app_id: constants.intercom_app_id,
      user_id: user.id,
      name: user.name,
      email: user.email,
      created_at: user.createdAt,
  // ...

The package keeps track of any instances needed internally, therefore re-renders due to DOM changes won't trigger re-boot of the messenger.


  • Simply import the package and call the function on every page that should display the messenger or on a common component used by them.
<script setup>
import Intercom from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";
  app_id: constants.intercom_app_id,
            user_id: user.id,
            name: user.name,
            email: user.email,
            created_at: user.createdAt,


  • Simply import the package and call the function on every page that should display the messenger or on a common component used by them.
import Intercom from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";
  app_id: constants.intercom_app_id,
  user_id: user.id,
  name: user.name,
  email: user.email,
  created_at: user.createdAt,
  • If you want the messenger on the every page, it is possible by doing this call on the Application level.


All methods described bellow can only be called after calling the initialization method Intercom({...}).


import { show } from '@intercom/messenger-js-sdk';
// ...

This will show the Messenger ( it is called by default after initialization). If there are no new conversations, it will open to the Messenger Home. If there are, it will open with the message list.


If you have the Inbox product (combined with another product like Messages) you should call the Intercom shutdown method to clear your users’ conversations anytime they logout of your application. Otherwise, the cookie we use to track who was most recently logged in on a given device or computer will keep these conversations in the Messenger for one week. This method will effectively clear out any user data that you have been passing through the JS API.

import { shutdown } from '@intercom/messenger-js-sdk';
// ...

Deleting cookies

If you need to delete cookies created by the Messenger but are unable to use this method (e.g. because our JavaScript hasn’t been loaded), all cookies are prefixed with intercom- and are created on your domain.


Calling the update method with some new user data will trigger the JavaScript to look for new messages that should be displayed to the current user (the one whose details are in the window.intercomSettings variable) and show them if they exist.

Calling the update method with a JSON object of user details will update those fields on the current user in addition to logging an impression at the current URL and looking for new messages for the user.

import { update } from '@intercom/messenger-js-sdk';
// ...
update({"name": "Inigo Montoya"});


This will hide the main Messenger panel if it is open. It will not hide the Messenger Launcher.

import { hide } from '@intercom/messenger-js-sdk';
// ...


This will show the Messenger. If there are no new conversations, it will open to the Messenger Home. If there are, it will open with the message list.

import { show } from '@intercom/messenger-js-sdk';
// ...


This will show the Messenger. If there are no new conversations, it will open to the Messenger Home. If there are, it will open with the message list.

import { showSpace } from "";
// ...
showSpace("tickets"); // ...


This will open the Messenger on the message list session

import { showMessages } from '@intercom/messenger-js-sdk';
// ...


This will open the Messenger as if a new conversation was just created.

This function can also take an optional second parameter, used to pre-populate the message composer as shown in the code example below:

No pre-populated message:

import { showNewMessage } from '@intercom/messenger-js-sdk';
// ...

With pre-populated message (only available with inbox product) :

import { showNewMessage } from '@intercom/messenger-js-sdk';
// ...
showNewMessage('pre-populated content');

onHide, onShow

When we hide/show the messenger, you assign a callback hook into this event. This requires a function argument.

import { onHide, onShow } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";
// ...
// ...


This method allows you to register a function that will be called immediately when invoked, and again whenever the current number of unread messages changes.

import { onUnreadCountChange } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";
// ...
onUnreadCountChange(function (unreadCount) {
  // Do stuff...


You can submit an event using the trackEvent method. This will associate the event with the currently logged in user and send it to Intercom. The final parameter is a map that can be used to send optional metadata about the event.

You can also add custom information to events in the form of event metadata, which can be included in event based messages to your customers.

Without metadata:

import { trackEvent } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";
// ...

With metadata:

import { trackEvent } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";
// ...
var exampleMetadata = {
  invitee_email: "[email protected]",
  invite_code: "ADDAFRIEND",
// ...
trackEvent("event-name", exampleMetadata);


A visitor is someone who goes to your site but does not use the messenger. You can track these visitors via the visitor user_id. This user_id can be used to retrieve the visitor or lead through the REST API.

import { getVisitorId } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";

// ...
var currentVisitorID = getVisitorId();


If you would like to trigger a tour based on an action a user or visitor takes in your site or application, you can use this API method. You need to call this method with the id of the tour you wish to show. The id of the tour can be found in the “Use tour everywhere” section of the tour editor.

Please note that tours shown via this API must be published and the “Use tour everywhere” section must be turned on. If you're calling this API using an invalid tour id, nothing will happen. Nothing will happen if you call this API on mobile web as tours currently do not work on mobile.

import { startTour } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";

// ...


If you would like to trigger an article in the Messenger, you can use the showArticle method. The article will be shown within the Messenger, and clicking the Messenger back button will return to the previous context. If the Messenger is closed when the method is called, it will be opened first and then the article will be shown.

import { showArticle } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";

// ...


If you would like to trigger a news item in the Messenger, you can use the showNews method. The news item will be shown within the Messenger, and clicking the Messenger back button will return to the previous context. If the Messenger is closed when the method is called, it will be opened first and then the news item will be shown.

import { showNews } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";

// ...


If you would like to trigger a survey in the Messenger, you can use the startSurvey method. The id of the survey can be found in the “Additional ways to share your survey” section of the survey editor as well as in the URL of the editor.

Please note that surveys shown via this API must be live. If you're calling this API using an invalid survey id, nothing will happen.

import { startSurvey } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";

// ...


If you would like to trigger a checklist in the Messenger, you can use the startChecklist method. The id of the checklist can be found in the “Additional ways to share your checklist” section of the checklist editor as well as in the URL of the editor.

Please note that checklists shown via this API must be live. If you're calling this API using an invalid checklist id, nothing will happen.

import { startChecklist } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";

// ...


If you would like to trigger a ticket in the Messenger, you can use the showTicket method. The ticket will be shown within the Messenger, and clicking the Messenger back button will return to the previous context. If the Messenger is closed when the method is called, it will be opened first and then the ticket will be shown.

import { showTicket } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";

// ...


You can show a conversation programatically in the Messenger by calling showConversation method

import { showConversation } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";

// ...


When a visitor enters their email into the Messenger, you can hook into the event. This requires a function argument.

import { onUserEmailSupplied } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";

// ...
onUserEmailSupplied(function () {
  // Do stuff...


The boot function can be used if at somepoint the shutdown function was called. This is also useful in situations like a one-page Javascript based application where the user may not be logged in when the page loads. You call this method with the standard intercomSettings object used for the initiate the widget.

import { boot } from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";

// ...
  app_id: "abc12345",
  email: "[email protected]",
  created_at: 1234567890,
  name: "John Doe",
  user_id: "9876",

Attributes and objects

Messenger Attributes

Attribute Type Description
app_id string The app_id of your Intercom app which will indicate
custom_launcher_selectorcustom_launcher_selector string The CSS selector of an element
alignment string Dictate the alignment of the default launcher
vertical_padding integer Move the default launcher icon
horizontal_padding integer Move the default launcher icon
hide_default_launcher boolean Hide the default launcher icon.
session_duration integer Time in milliseconds for the Intercom
action_color string* Used in button links and more to highlight
background_color string* Used behind your team profile and other
  • The color string can be any valid CSS Color Name HEX or RGB

Data Attributes

These attributes are used to update user/lead information.

When user_id / email is provided, it will be saved as a User record When no user_id / email is provided, it will be considered a Visitor record which is not seen in the Intercom dashboard. When a Visitor sends a message via the Intercom messenger they will be converted to a Lead which is viewable in the Intercom dashboard Any other attribute not listed below and not in the Messenger Attributes will be treated as a custom user attribute If the value of a custom user attribute is set to an empty string, or a string with the value "undefined", or "null", this will appear as Unknown in Platform. If a value is set for a custom user attribute that has been configured to prevent updates via the Messenger then this value will be ignored in the request.

Attribute Type Description
email string The email address of the currently logged in user (Only applicable to users)
user_id string The user_id address of the currently logged in user (Only applicable to users)
created_at timestamp The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the user signed up to your app (Only applicable to users)
name string Name of the current user/lead
phone string Phone number of the current user/lead
last_request_at timestamp This value can't actually be set by the Javascript API (it automatically uses the time of the last request but is a this is a reserved attribute)
unsubscribed_from_emails boolean Sets the unsubscribe status of the record
language_override string Set the messenger language programmatically (instead of relying on browser language settings)
utm_campaign string UTM Campaign valueNote: All UTM parameters are updated automatically and can not be manually overidden
utm_content string UTM Content value
utm_medium string UTM Medium value
utm_source string UTM Source value
utm_term string UTM Term value
avatar avatar object Set the avatar/profile image associated to the current record (typically gathered via social profiles via email address)
user_hash string Used for identity verification (Only applicable to users)
company company object Current user's company (Only applicable to users) For field definitions see Company Object in the section below Note: Company ID and company name are the minimum requirements to pass a company into Intercom.
companies array of company objects An array of companies the user is associated to (Only applicable to users)
page_title string Used for keeping track of user page views. Default value is the document title property.

Further instructions on how to customize the messenger and using Intercom API can be found in our dev docs.


  • Messenger not showing on page.

    • Check if the correct appId is being sent.
    • Check if the Messenger is live on your Intercom settings page.
    • Check if the code is running on the user's browser and not on the your server.
  • No user data available

    • Make sure you are sending the correct user hash as explained on your Intercom setup page.
    • Make sure all the user data is set either on initialization or on update.
  • Use with other frameworks

    This package was made using plain JS. This means that it is not be limited to the frameworks mentioned.


👤 Intercom (https://www.intercom.com/)

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

Created with ❤️ by Intercom

npm i @intercom/messenger-js-sdk


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • intercom
  • released 9/12/2024
