
A CLI to create and offline license keys for your Electron apps.
electron licensing


A secure way to generate license keys for your Electron apps.


First, you must install the package.

> npm i secure-electron-license-keys-cli

After installing the package, you need to run the cli tool to create the license key you'll package in a given distributable.

> secure-electron-license-keys-cli # alternately, you can run "selkc"

Running the above command will create a public.key, private.key and license.data. Keep the private key in a safe location.

The public.key and license.data [by default] you will need to put in the root of your Electron app. The secure-electron-license-keys package will attempt to decrypt the license.data with the public.key. If decryption with the public key succeeds, you can act as appropriate within your app (ie. deny access or allow the user to continue).


There are a number of options you can use to customize your license key generation.

Arg Shorthand Default Description
--major -ma "*" Represents the major version of your app
--minor -mi "*" Represents the minor version of your app
--patch -p "*" Represents the patch version of your app
--user -u "" Represents a unique value, tied to a user (ie. an email)
--expire -e "" A value when the license expires (ie. could be a date)
--public -pu "public.key" The name of the public key when generated
--private -pr "private.key" The name of the private key when generated
--license -l "license.data" The name of the license data file when generated
--output -o process.cwd() The path where the keys/license data file are generated to
--private-key -pk null The path to the private key
--public-key -pubk null The path to the public key
--valid-to -vt null Set the time of license valid. Patterns: years-<num>, months-<num>, days-<num>, hours-<num>, minutes-<num>, seconds-<num>


Here are some examples of using some of the options in the command line.

> secure-electron-license-keys-cli --major "2"
> secure-electron-license-keys-cli --major "2" --expire "2022-06-05"
> secure-electron-license-keys-cli --expire "2022-12-25" --user "[email protected]"
> secure-electron-license-keys-cli --expire "2022-12-25" --user "[email protected]" --valid-to "months-6"

Note - you can also use the shorthand (ie. selkc instead of secure-electron-license-keys-cli)

npm i @igor-lemon/secure-electron-license-keys-cli


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • reZach
  • released 8/22/2021

