
@ifaxity/koa-json ===================


A minimal koa@2 pug/html render engine

Minimal dependencies & code is cut down to not take so much space. Because node_modules hell is something i want to avoid. This module was for private purposes but making it public wont do any harm.

Code heavily based on the koa-views package


npm install @ifaxity/koa-json --save

or if you use yarn

yarn add @ifaxity/koa-json


To use the module just require it like this

const jwt = require('@ifaxity/koa-json');

And then you need to add it to your koa server like this:

const render = require('@ifaxity/koa-json');

// or whatever folder you use for your views
app.use(render(__dirname + '/views'), {
  ext: 'pug',
  globals: {
    title: 'Default title',

// Example route
app.use(async ctx => {
  // Render state object
  ctx.state = {
    title: 'Index page title',

  await ctx.render('index', {
    foo: 'bar',

// You can also switch between .pug and .html files like this
// As the option 'ext' only specifies the default extension
app.use(async ctx => {
  await ctx.render('index.html');
npm i @ifaxity/koa-json


  • MIT
  • >=8
  • Christian Norrman
  • released 9/19/2019

