
Provides functionality around User Collectable Attributes (UCA)

Identity.com User Collectable Attributes

Warning: this still is a working in progress and is not ready for usage yet. Please feel free to explore the code but don't integrate yet. We expect API changes before the 1st release.


This Javascript Library provides functionality around User Collectable Attributes (UCA).




git clone [email protected]:masonicGIT/sjcl-cli.git
cd sjcl-cli
npm install
node src/index.js decrypt


UCA is an open-source library that has its binary package published on NPM. Projects that depend on UCA must install the dependency following this way: npm install --save @identity.com/uca

All versions follow SemVer (https://semver.org/)


  • npm run lint - run an ESLint check
  • npm test - run all tests
  • npm run test:watch - run all tests in watch mode


User Collectable Attributes

A "User Collectable Attribute" is a unit of user-related data (attribute or knowledge) with a specific identifier that can be captured from the user normally during the validation process by a mobile phone. A UCA once verified can be part of a Credential as Claim with the same identifier.

Defining new UCA

Just add a new definition entry with the format on the definitions file

Exporting UCA to the UCA Registry Services

UCA definitions are packed inside this library but also are available for public consumption at the UCA Registry to export new defined UCAs just run:

npm run export-definitions 

Using a UCA in javascript (with this library)

creating UCA instances with the constructor

UCA(identifier, value, version)


const name = new UCA('cvc:Identity:address', {
    street: 'Alameda dos Anjos',
    unit: '102',
    city: 'Belo Horizonte',
    zipCode: '94103345',
    state: 'Minas Gerais',
    county: 'Sao Bento',
    country: 'Brazil',
}, '1');

Or use the shorthand

const name = new UCA.IdentityAddress({
    street: 'Alameda dos Anjos',
    unit: '102',
    city: 'Belo Horizonte',
    zipCode: '94103345',
    state: 'Minas Gerais',
    county: 'Sao Bento',
    country: 'Brazil',

values can be:

  • Plain JavaScript Objects:
    "street": "Alameda dos Anjos",
    "unit": "102",
    "city": "Belo Horizonte",
    "zipCode": "94103345",
    "state": "Minas Gerais",
    "county": "Sao Bento",
    "country": "Brazil",
  • Attestable Values:
  "attestableValue": "urn:city:508e6c84091b405587f755eb5e0d9dbd15f4f7f69642adc18d2d2d8fe9c93366:Belo Horizonte|urn:country:f53c0e02620611705f5dfab2abe8320679f183f7eaa01b50340b6f0f0579638f:Brazil|urn:county:a9d100b24769843e15d8fff52efc5d15f57150e1c252d99c0ea7f8d6ed740e4a:Sao Bento|urn:state:73d0477e24c5b3498addf6877c52ae5916b7cf9fbcaea2e2d440167e4745fab2:Minas Gerais|urn:street:71cb22a895ee6264ed2f0cc851a9e17c5326f70bfd94e945e319d03f361d47d9:Alameda dos Anjos|urn:unit:887eb71750da1837101eb64c821f0a0a58e7ab3254eeed1b6bf2cec72b7a4174:102|urn:zipCode:dc671959502dfa65de57a0a8176da15437493c37497670445268e286a035bea8:94103345|"

JSON String

  "id": null,
  "issuer": "did:ethr:0x1ddcbae835c47c8d9159756c167994931a5f01e8",
  "issuanceDate": "2018-09-25T21:51:56.511Z",
  "identifier": "cvc:Credential:Address",
  "expirationDate": "+132017-07-11T05:51:56.512Z",
  "version": "1",
  "type": [
  "claim": {
    "type": {
      "address": {
        "city": "Belo Horizonte",
        "country": "Brazil",
        "county": "Sao Bento",
        "state": "Minas Gerais",
        "street": "Alameda dos Anjos",
        "unit": "102",
        "zipCode": "94103345"
  "proof": {
    "type": "CivicMerkleProof2018",
    "merkleRoot": "c81c5b22438916f2bd75e2966df989b9302ce65887813dd1661f9f24407c5dfe",
    "anchor": {
      "subject": {
        "pub": "xpub:dummy",
        "label": "cvc:Credential:Address",
        "data": "c81c5b22438916f2bd75e2966df989b9302ce65887813dd1661f9f24407c5dfe",
        "signature": "signed:dummy"
      "walletId": "none",
      "cosigners": [
          "pub": "xpub:dummy"
          "pub": "xpub:dummy"
      "authority": {
        "pub": "xpub:dummy",
        "path": "/"
      "coin": "dummycoin",
      "tx": {},
      "network": "dummynet",
      "type": "permanent",
      "civicAsPrimary": false,
      "schema": "dummy-20180201",
      "value": {}
    "leaves": [
        "identifier": "cvc:Identity:address",
        "value": "urn:city:508e6c84091b405587f755eb5e0d9dbd15f4f7f69642adc18d2d2d8fe9c93366:Belo Horizonte|urn:country:f53c0e02620611705f5dfab2abe8320679f183f7eaa01b50340b6f0f0579638f:Brazil|urn:county:a9d100b24769843e15d8fff52efc5d15f57150e1c252d99c0ea7f8d6ed740e4a:Sao Bento|urn:state:73d0477e24c5b3498addf6877c52ae5916b7cf9fbcaea2e2d440167e4745fab2:Minas Gerais|urn:street:71cb22a895ee6264ed2f0cc851a9e17c5326f70bfd94e945e319d03f361d47d9:Alameda dos Anjos|urn:unit:887eb71750da1837101eb64c821f0a0a58e7ab3254eeed1b6bf2cec72b7a4174:102|urn:zipCode:dc671959502dfa65de57a0a8176da15437493c37497670445268e286a035bea8:94103345|",
        "claimPath": "type.address",
        "targetHash": "c1b096d40d2ac94c095ebea67af8d2ffb6788a9d0367ffef0010e0c40dd5157d",
        "node": [
            "right": "f97fe9f193a485120e2eef5ee57132b05d7b9c02c53fcf7617663d99b9b6d482"
            "right": "e0dbcf542838280f07d49c2b7c9a4bf9e681b43fc6a55ff7db1973d17b44c37c"
            "right": "207f569aa16908c29cd1bf590f5e3745d6a433119cf31f024e8c1cbb680d4e41"
            "right": "9a09e4b79ec54507896892ac23d8b5d707786b075ead58a69d51c4376805e9c1"
        "identifier": "cvc:Meta:issuer",
        "value": "urn:issuer:a68ed1b5f92ee8ce1e142b232dcb4ca0e2733f51f9893383e6adc3c53887e2fd:did:ethr:0x1ddcbae835c47c8d9159756c167994931a5f01e8",
        "claimPath": "meta.issuer",
        "targetHash": "f97fe9f193a485120e2eef5ee57132b05d7b9c02c53fcf7617663d99b9b6d482",
        "node": [
            "left": "c1b096d40d2ac94c095ebea67af8d2ffb6788a9d0367ffef0010e0c40dd5157d"
            "right": "e0dbcf542838280f07d49c2b7c9a4bf9e681b43fc6a55ff7db1973d17b44c37c"
            "right": "207f569aa16908c29cd1bf590f5e3745d6a433119cf31f024e8c1cbb680d4e41"
            "right": "9a09e4b79ec54507896892ac23d8b5d707786b075ead58a69d51c4376805e9c1"
        "identifier": "cvc:Meta:issuanceDate",
        "value": "urn:issuanceDate:c3b9798fe98020b041b4bd20027eee5c2895ff47b3fb0c5a4e8d1d061ae2733d:2018-09-25T21:51:56.511Z",
        "claimPath": "meta.issuanceDate",
        "targetHash": "d3706f4891c1fbfcfa208e7b662858460a992bc547141ee69f7c778681eeab08",
        "node": [
            "right": "5bb75bfee07b5ed5ead3d96ae21d420ce3f8419c8b2ca287eca358507f834312"
            "left": "9dbba3ce114413f76478581417768af3d2f2e6517513c5257b6c5313824f6e68"
            "right": "207f569aa16908c29cd1bf590f5e3745d6a433119cf31f024e8c1cbb680d4e41"
            "right": "9a09e4b79ec54507896892ac23d8b5d707786b075ead58a69d51c4376805e9c1"
        "identifier": "cvc:Meta:expirationDate",
        "value": "urn:expirationDate:7388ed27d10476f47cd9c68a732a9b9eccfd44598cdcb2f785f5131c33991f5b:+132017-07-11T05:51:56.512Z",
        "claimPath": "meta.expirationDate",
        "targetHash": "5bb75bfee07b5ed5ead3d96ae21d420ce3f8419c8b2ca287eca358507f834312",
        "node": [
            "left": "d3706f4891c1fbfcfa208e7b662858460a992bc547141ee69f7c778681eeab08"
            "left": "9dbba3ce114413f76478581417768af3d2f2e6517513c5257b6c5313824f6e68"
            "right": "207f569aa16908c29cd1bf590f5e3745d6a433119cf31f024e8c1cbb680d4e41"
            "right": "9a09e4b79ec54507896892ac23d8b5d707786b075ead58a69d51c4376805e9c1"
Getting UCA properties template and generation values
const ucaTemplate = UCA.getUCAProps('cvc:Contact:email', '1');
  //  ucaTemplate = {
  //     "name": "cvc:Contact:email",
  //     "version": "1",
  //     "basePropertyName": "contact.email",
  //     "properties": [
  //       {
  //         "name": "cvc:Email:username",
  //         "meta": {
  //           "required": false,
  //           "propertyName": "contact.email.username",
  //           "type": "String",
  //           "version": "1"
  //         }
  //       },
  //       {
  //         "name": "cvc:Domain:tld",
  //         "meta": {
  //           "required": true,
  //           "propertyName": "contact.email.domain.tld",
  //           "type": "String",
  //           "version": "1"
  //         }
  //       },
  //       {
  //         "name": "cvc:Domain:name",
  //         "meta": {
  //           "required": true,
  //           "propertyName": "contact.email.domain.name",
  //           "type": "String",
  //           "version": "1"
  //         }
  //       }
  //     ]
  //  }

So you can use the above properties array as a template for defining new UCA values. Given an array of properties and values, you can get a ucaValue ready for use on a new UCA:

const propValues = [
    name: 'cvc:Email:username',
    value: 'savio',
    name: 'cvc:Domain:name',
    value: 'civic',
    name: 'cvc:Domain:tld',
    value: 'com',

const ucaValue = UCA.parseValueFromProps('cvc:Contact:email', propValues, '1');
// ucaValue = {
//   "username": "savio",
//   "domain": {
//     "name": "civic",
//     "tld": "com",
//   }
// }
const uca = new UCA('cvc:Contact:email', ucaValue, '1');

Schema Generator

The json schema generator will get a previous definition and build a sample JSON (with random values).

On top of the sample data and combining the identifier properties it will infer an JSON Schema for validating the data.

A identifier like this:


const name = new UCA('cvc:Identity:name', {
  first: 'Joao', 
  middle: 'Barbosa', 
  last: 'Santos'

Will generate a JSON like this:

  first: 'Joao', 
  middle: 'Barbosa', 
  last: 'Santos'

The schema generator will generate an json schema like this:

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "title": "cvc:Identity:name.first",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "first": {
      "type": "string"
  "required": [
  "additionalProperties": false


-We use draft 7 for json schema generation

-Values that can have null, must have type : ['null','string'] or else they fail validation if you only send null or if you send an value

-All simple objects String, Number are required as default

-Accepted json schema keywords on identifiers: pattern, maximum, minimum, exclusiveMinimum, exclusiveMaximum, required

-If an identifier has a pattern it must be an Javascript Regex, the generated value will generate the random value using this

-Additional properties are not enabled by default

ES5 and ES6 definitions

The project structure is made like this:

|_ __tests__
|_ __integration__
|_ src
|_ dist
|__ cjs
|__ es
|__ browser
|_ reports
|__ coverage
  • Tests and Integration folder contains jest tests
  • src contains all ES6 non-transpiled source
  • dist contains all transpiled code in CJS, ES, BROWSER presets of Babel
  • also the package.json has the three fields main, module, browser, that allow packers to change the file of the entry point
  • reports and coverage are all related to JEST tests

The released browser version is minified.

The main entry point targets CJS, all legacy code should work with this.

Sip-hosted-api is tested with this and it works right out of the box, without any other configuration.

Browser projects should bundle the dependencies, so we are not bundling it here.

The browser transpiled version only guarantees the profile we want to target and not leave this task to the user, since any other different transpilation, could result in bugs.

But as pointed out before, if the target project is ES6 compliant, the pkg.module will point out to the ES version.

Node vs React usage of this library

Put this in your webpack config under plugins if you are running an Webpack Node App

new webpack.DefinePlugin({
    'process.env': {
        NODE_ENV: 'production',
        APP_ENV: false

If you are on a React app add this:

new webpack.DefinePlugin({
    'process.env': {
        NODE_ENV: false,
        APP_ENV: 'browser'

With that you can check if you're running in a browser or not this way:

if (process.env.APP_ENV === 'browser') {
    const doSomething = require('./browser-only-js');
} else {
    const somethingServer = require('./server-only-js');

if (process.env.APP_ENV !== 'browser') {
    const somethingServer = require('./server-only-js');

Because these environment variables get replaced during the build, Webpack will not include resources that are server-only. You should always do these kinds of things in an easy way, with a simple, direct compare. Uglify will remove all dead code.

Since you used a function before and the function is not evaluated during build, Webpack wasn't able to know what requires it could skip.

(The NODE_ENV-variable should always be set to production in production mode, since many libraries including React use it for optimisations.)

This is used on this library on src/services/config.js


The release process is fully automated and started by Civic members when it's created a tag on Github following the pattern ^release\..*$. E.g.: release.1.

After the creation of the tag, Circle Ci will trigger a job to:

build source files run unit tests increase version number on package.json create the stable version and tag it. E.g: v0.2.29 remove the release.N tag deploy the binary file to NPM

npm i @identity.com/uca


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Identity.com Community
  • released 10/6/2021
