
## Usage ### Install - Configure [SSH Config](http://nerderati.com/2011/03/17/simplify-your-life-with-an-ssh-config-file/) to access GitHub. - Pick your version, from [releases](https://github.com/HeduApp/book-objects/releases). ``` npm install git+ssh://

Book Objects Database



npm install git+ssh://ssh-config-name:HeduApp/book-objects-db.git#v0.1.0

DB Codec prerequisites

npm install objection knex mysql
import { DBCodec } from '@heduapp/book-objects-db';
const dbCodec = new DBCodec({
    client: 'mysql',
    connection: {
        host: '',
        user: 'bo',
        password: 'bo',
        database: 'bo-dev',
    seeds: {
        directory: './seeds/production',

Decode business object from DB

import * as BO from '@heduapp/book-objects/business-object'
import { DBCodec } form '@heduapp/book-objects-db'
const dbCodec = new DBCodec();
const book = (await dbCodec.decode(bookUUID)) as BO.Book;

Encode business object into DB

import { DBCodec, Model } form '@heduapp/book-objects-db'
const dbCodec = new DBCodec();
// Encoder can return either inserted ContentGroup or ContentLeaf
const insertedBook = (await dbCodec.encode(book)) as Model.ContentGroup;
await insertedBook.$loadRelated('[children.[contentLeafs.[locale], locale], locale]');


  • Apply the latest migration
npx cross-env NODE_ENV=development knex --knexfile src/knexfile.ts --cwd ./ migrate:latest
  • Rollback all migrations
npx knex --knexfile src/knexfile.ts --cwd ./ migrate:rollback
  • Create new migration
  • Migration file is created in migrations/ directory
npx knex --knexfile src/knexfile.ts --cwd ./ migrate:make migration_name


  • Insert necessary data into the database (locales, etc...)
npx knex --knexfile src/knexfile.ts --cwd ./ seed:run
  • Create new seed
npx knex --knexfile src/knexfile.ts --cwd ./ seed:make xxx-seed_name

Copying remote databases to local

  • Create a pgpass config file
    • On unix based systems: ~/.pgpass
    • On Windows %APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf
    • Add database logins and passwords, one per line
    • The config should look something like the following:
  • Create an SSH tunnel to H-Edu content service (Back Office will work as well) server
    ssh -L 5433:store4.rosti.cz:5432 -p 14364 [email protected]
  • Run scripts/copy-db.sh
    ./scripts/copy-db.sh [remote-db-name] [local-db-name]
    • With no arguments, the script will clone h_edu_sro1252@localhost:5433 to bo-dev@localhost:5432
    • It will drop the target database
    • It will create a .backup file in the current working directory, and name it like remote-db-name_2019-01-10-16-48-19.backup


Running dev DB

Start the containers:

docker-compose -f docker/db-dev.yml up -d

Stop the containers:

docker-compose -f docker/db-dev.yml down
  • Exposed ports:
    • 8080 Adminer for managing the DB
    • 3306 MySQL
  • Database: bo-dev
  • Credentials:
    • User: bo
    • Password: bo
  • Root credentials:
    • User: root
    • Password: root


Alsatian is used as a testing framework and test runner. To run tests:

npm run test
npm run test-watch

Code style

Code style is enforced by prettier To prettify code:

npm run prettier
npm run prettier-watch

Before pushing to master

  • Are all tests passing?
  • Have you ran prettier?

Release new version

git checkout dist
git merge master # Resolve conflicts, accepting changes from master
npm run build
git add --all
git commit -m "Add vX.X.X build"
npm version major|minor|patch # Should be same as the version in the commit message
git push origin dist
npm i @heduapp/book-objects-db


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • H-Edu s.r.o.
  • released 12/7/2021
