
Interval Promise Re-write to TS

Interval Promise re-write to TS

its a rewrite to TS Original by Andy Fleming

using my(hasezoey) TS config & lint options

The Following is from the original Readme


This library provides a simple mechanism for running a promise with a given amount of time between executions.

Standard Javascript » setInterval()

traditional interval

interval-promise » interval()

interval promise


Simple example using async-await

const interval = require('interval-promise')

// Run a function 10 times with 1 second between each iteration
const id = interval.interval(async () => {
    await someOtherPromiseReturningFunction()
    await another()
}, 1000, {iterations: 10})

// clear it
await clearInterval(id);
import { interval, clearInterval } from "interval-promise";

// Run a function 10 times with 1 second between each iteration
const id: string = interval(async () => {
    await someOtherPromiseReturningFunction()
    await another()
}, 1000, {iterations: 10})

// clear it
await clearInterval(id);


interval(cb: function, intervalLength: number | Infinity, options: IOptions): Promise<void>;


Argument Attritubes Description
cb function Required
Function to execute for each interval. MUST return a promise.

Two arguments are passed to this function.
  • iterationNumber number — The iteration number (starting at 0)
  • stop function — used to "stop" (skipping all remaining iterations)
intervalLength number | function Required
Length in ms to wait between iterations. Should be (or return) a non-negative integer.

If a function is used, one parameter iterationNumber (starting at 1) is passed.
options object Optional settings (detailed below).
options.iterations number Default: Infinity
The number of times to execute the function. Must be Infinity or an integer greater than 0.
(note: counting from 0)
options.stopOnError boolean Default: true
If true, no subsequent calls will be made. The promise returned by interval() will be rejected and pass through the error thrown.
clearInterval(id: string): Promise<void>;


Argument Attritubes Description
id string Required
ID returned by an interval

More on "intervalLength" as a function

It will be called with "0" once (the initial call for the first run), and after that "Infinity" if it is set to run Infinite, otherwise a normal number

Project Values

  • Approachability — Basic usage should be concise and readable.
  • Debuggability — Error feedback should be helpful and error handling options should be flexible.
  • Stability — Functionality should be well-tested and reliable.
npm i @hasezoey/interval-promise-ts


  • MIT
  • >=10.0.0
  • hasezoey
  • released 8/23/2019

