
Mock passport strategy for testing Node.js applications.
passport mock auth mock


Mock passport strategy for testing a Node.js application.

This module allows you to create and authenticate a fake user in a Node application to allow for easy testing of routes. Authenticated routes can then be tested for their functionality with the assumption that the user has been authenticated.


Install using yarn:

$ yarn add passport-mock-strategy --dev

Or use npm if you wish:

$ npm install passport-mock-strategy --save-dev


To get started you can import MockStrategy and create a new instance.

const MockStrategy = require('passport-mock-strategy');
passport.use(new MockStrategy());

You can configure and customize mock strategy by passing options and/or a callback:

passport.use(new MockStrategy({
    name: 'my-mock',
    user: customUserObject
}, (user, done) => {
    // Perform actions on user, call done once finished

You can then use passport.authenticate() specifying the strategy name to authenticate requests. By default the strategy name is mock.

app.get('/auth/mock', passport.authenticate('mock'));

Quick Setup

passport-mock-strategy exports various convenience functions that can be used to quickly and easily setup a mock passport instance.

You can use createMockPassport() to setup an instance of passport that uses MockStrategy and connect it to your Node app.


Serializate and Deserializate User

setupSerializeAndDeserialize provides an easily way to setup the serializeUser and deserializeUser methods for passport. You can pass null to use the default.

setupSerializeAndDeserialize(passport, null, (id, done) => {
    // custom deserializeUser function

Here a custom deserializeUser function is passed, whereas null is passed for serializeUser which means the default will be used.

Connect Passport to app

The connectPassport function initializes a given passport instance and connects it to the given app.

connectPassport(app, passport);
// Calls passport.initialize() and passport.session() internally

Mock User and Storage

mockUser is exported which is the default user that MockStrategy uses internally. createMockStorage() is also exported which creates a mock storage that saves and fetches users asynchronously to mimic fetching from a database.

How it works

MockStrategy always authenticates a mock user when called. This user is either the default exported from mock-user.js or a custom user object that can be passed as an option when initializing a new instance of MockStrategy. Calling passport.authenticate('mock') will then authenticate this mock user. Additionally it will store the user in the app's session which can then be retreived through the use of either express-session or cookie-session.

This method makes it easy to test the functionality of authenticated routes with the assumption that the user has already been authenticated.

Type Checking

This package is written in typescript. All type declarations are published with the package and can be used as needed.

Type definitions are also provided for flow. They can be imported for use.


// @flow

import type { MockStrategyOptions } from 'passport-mock-strategy';

const options: MockStrategyOptions = { name: 'my-mock' };

Important Note

This package is for testing purposes only! Please do not use this for actual authentication as it provides no security whatsoever!


passport-mock-strategy is available under the MIT License.


Contributions are welcome. Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

npm i @hackmd/passport-mock-strategy


  • MIT
  • >= 6
  • Christopher Szatmary
  • released 1/6/2022
