
Expands PostGraphile support for global object IDs
PostGraphile plugin relay


Allows you to use Relay global object identifiers in more places.


Currently (v4.3.2) PostGraphile has support for Relay Global Object Identifiers:

  • On every table output type, primarily useful for caching
  • Fetching via the {node:(nodeId: ...) {...}} interface
  • Fetching via the table-specific {myTable(nodeId: ...) {...}} interface
  • Mutating via the mutation {updateMyTable(input:{nodeId: ..., ...}){...}} interface

However, you still have to use the underlying primary keys in many places:

  • When referencing references to related tables: mutation {updatePerson(input:{nodeId: ..., patch: {organizationId: 7}}){...}}
  • When calling SQL functions
  • When dealing with custom types
  • More places?

This plugin aims to let you use global IDs in more places.

Status: Experimental

APIs in this plugin will currently be changing based on feedback from the sponsor, if you use this plugin in your stack expect your GraphQL API to change shape over time until the dust settles.


  • Write initial README
  • Add nodeId support to relations in create mutations
  • Add nodeId support to relations in update mutations
  • Update README with instructions
  • Add nodeId support to relations in condition input
  • Add nodeId support to custom queries
  • Add nodeId support to custom mutations
  • Add nodeId support to computed columns (as secondary input)
  • Update README with instructions



yarn add @graphile/global-ids

Load on command line:

postgraphile --append-plugins @graphile/global-ids

Load in library usage:

  postgraphile(DB, SCHEMA, {
    appendPlugins: [require("@graphile/global-ids").default],

Now you can choose to specify the NodeIDs through create/update mutations instead of specifying the individual columns.

Why is this not part of PostGraphile core?

Going all-out on NodeIDs is a large undertaking right now. The hybrid approach this plugin takes moves some errors to run-time instead of build-time, and I don't want to compromise the default user experience.

Imagine you have a schema like in ./schema.sql. You could issue a mutation such as:

mutation CreateUser(
  $user: UserInput = { organizationId: 27, name: "Bobby Tables" }
) {
  createUser(input: { user: $user }) {
    user {

The input object UserInput defines which fields are required:

input UserInput {
  organizationId: Int!
  uuid: UUID
  name: String!

If you were to omit the organizationId then that would be a compile-time error.

However, this plugin allows you to specify either organizationId or organizationNodeId; and GraphQL currently does not have a way of representing this data requirement. So we have to handle validation of the query at run-time, when the mutation is executed, because the new UserInput type will look like:

input UserInput {
  organizationId: Int
  organizationNodeId: ID
  uuid: UUI
  name: String!

It looks like both these organization* fields are optional, users have to run the mutations to find out that they've missed a field that's implicitly rather than explicitly required.

This may change depending on progress on https://github.com/facebook/graphql/pull/395

The aim of this plugin is to introduce a hybrid approach for teams that wish to use NodeID everywhere, so we can discover everywhere it's necessary, and then in a later version of PostGraphile we may add a flag to alternate between the two methodologies.


This plugin is sponsored by MRI Technologies.

npm i @graphile/global-ids


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Benjie Gillam
  • released 1/13/2020
