
A PostGraphile plugin helping you handle non nullable fields.
graphile postgraphile plugin pg non-null relations smart-comment


Plugins helping you handle fields which are non nullable. There are two plugins within this repository:

  • PgNonNullSmartCommentPlugin
    Allows the use of @nonNull smart comment to flag fields as non nullable in the resulting GraphQL schema.
  • PgNonNullRelationsPlugin
    This plugin makes sure that fields behind foreign keys which are flagged as NOT NULL are also non nullable in the resulting GraphQL schema.

⚠️ Please be wary and use with caution, as these plugins influence only the output types! By no means do any of the plugins guarantee that Postgres will follow your manual non null overrides! ⚠️


npm install --save @graphile-contrib/pg-non-null


yarn add @graphile-contrib/pg-non-null




postgraphile --append-plugins @graphile-contrib/pg-non-null

Only PgNonNullSmartCommentPlugin:

postgraphile --append-plugins @graphile-contrib/pg-non-null/smart-comment

Only PgNonNullRelationsPlugin:

postgraphile --append-plugins @graphile-contrib/pg-non-null/relations


const PgNonNullPlugin = require('@graphile-contrib/pg-non-null');

const PgNonNullSmartCommentPlugin = require('@graphile-contrib/pg-non-null/smart-comment');
const PgNonNullRelationsPlugin = require('@graphile-contrib/pg-non-null/relations');

  postgraphile(process.env.POSTGRES_ENDPOINT, process.env.POSTGRES_SCHEMA, {
    appendPlugins: [PgNonNullPlugin],
    // or
    appendPlugins: [PgNonNullSmartCommentPlugin, PgNonNullRelationsPlugin],
  • PgNonNullRelationsPlugin requires no further actions as it will automatically detect not null foreign keys and mark the links as non nullable.

  • PgNonNullSmartCommentPlugin uses the smart comment feature with the following syntax to manually infer non null states:

    • Commenting @nonNull [field] on a TABLE, VIEW or TYPE indicates that matching fields are not null.

      CREATE TABLE private.user (
        id         serial PRIMARY KEY,
        first_name text NOT NULL,
        last_name  text
      COMMENT ON TABLE private.user IS '@nonNull last_name';
      CREATE OR VIEW public.user AS
        FROM private.foo;
      COMMENT ON VIEW public.user IS E'@nonNull id\n@nonNull first_name\n@nonNull last_name';
      CREATE TYPE public.user AS (
        id         int,
        first_name text,
        last_name  text
      COMMENT ON TYPE public.user IS $$
      @nonNull id
      @nonNull first_name
      @nonNull last_name
    • Commenting @nonNull on a COLUMN or FUNCTION indicates that the field itself is not null.

      CREATE TABLE public.user (
        id         serial PRIMARY KEY,
        first_name text NOT NULL,
        last_name  text
      COMMENT ON COLUMN public.user.last_name IS '@nonNull';
      CREATE FUNCTION public.user_full_name("user" public.user) RETURNS text AS
        SELECT "user".first_name || ' ' || "user".last_name
      COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.user_full_name IS '@nonNull';


This SQL schema:

CREATE TABLE public.user (
  id         serial PRIMARY KEY,
  first_name text NOT NULL,
  last_name  text NOT NULL

CREATE TYPE public.article_state AS (
  is_public boolean,
  likes     int

COMMENT ON TYPE public.article_state IS $$
@nonNull is_public
@nonNull likes

CREATE TABLE public.article (
  id serial PRIMARY KEY,

  -- `userByAuthorId` link should not be null because the foreign key is not null
  author_id serial NOT NULL REFERENCES public.user(id),

  "state" public.article_state NOT NULL,

  title   text NOT NULL,
  content text

CREATE FUNCTION public.user_full_name("user" public.user) RETURNS text AS
  SELECT "user".first_name || ' ' || "user".last_name

COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.user_full_name IS '@nonNull';

will result in the following GraphQL schema:

type User {
  id: Int!
  firstName: String!
  lastName: String!

  fullName: String! # NonNull derived by the `PgNonNullSmartCommentPlugin`

type ArticleState {
  isPublic Boolean! # NonNull derived by the `PgNonNullSmartCommentPlugin`
  likes Int! # NonNull derived by the `PgNonNullSmartCommentPlugin`

type Article {
  id: Int!
  authorId: Int!
  state: ArticleState!
  title: String!
  content: String

  userByAuthorId: User! # NonNull derived by the `PgNonNullRelationsPlugin`
npm i @graphile-contrib/pg-non-null


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Denis Badurina
  • released 1/14/2019
