
Supabase database storage
grammy grammyjs bot telegram supabase session grammy session

Supabase database storage adapter for grammY

Database storage adapter that can be used to store your session data in Supabase database when using sessions.


npm install @grammyjs/storage-supabase --save


To get started, you first need to

  • Have both @supabase/supabase-js and grammy installed

  • Have a defined table for sessions in supabase will the following informations:

    • id as a primary key of type varchar, cannot be null
    • session as text. Make it nullable.

    You could also add created_at and updated_at to keep track of changes.

How to use

You can check examples folder for full blown usage, or see a simple use case below:

import { Bot, Context, session, SessionFlavor } from 'grammy';
import { supabaseAdapter } from '@grammyjs/storage-supabase';
import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js';

interface SessionData {
  counter: number;
type MyContext = Context & SessionFlavor<SessionData>;

const URL = 'http://localhost:3000';
const KEY = 'some.fake.key';

// supabase instance
const supabase = createClient(URL, KEY);

//create storage
const storage = supabaseAdapter({
  table: 'session', // the defined table name you want to use to store your session

// Create bot and register session middleware
const bot = new Bot<MyContext>(''); // <-- put your bot token here
    initial: () => ({ counter: 0 }),

// Display total stats of images uploaded so far
bot.command('stats', (ctx) => ctx.reply
(`Already got ${ctx.session.counter} images!`));

// Collect statistics of photos uploaded
bot.on(':photo', (ctx) => ctx.session.counter++);

npm i @grammyjs/storage-supabase


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • waptik
  • released 2/29/2024
