
Run your lint and formatter in a single fast daemon.
create geut module

xd :laughing:

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Run your lint and formatter in a single fast daemon.

This project is based on eslint_d.

How it works

xd is a tool that detects your local lint and starts a daemon server so your next lint/format operations would run faster.

xd support eslint compatible engines.

We support the next engines:

  • standard
  • semistandard
  • standard + prettier
  • semistandard + prettier
  • eslint


$ npm install -g @geut/xd



Start by adding your lint dependencies locally:

$ npm install --save-dev standard

That's it, try to execute xd in your project:

$ xd *.js

To fix your file:

$ xd *.js --fix

standard + prettier

We include a prettier configuration for your standard lint that performs as a linter and formatter.

Prettier will run by:

  • Binary xd-prettier index.js
  • Option xd --prettier index.js
  • ENV variable PRETTIER=1 xd index.js
  • Detecting the presence of a .prettierrc config file in your project.

xd uses prettierx so you can use any of the next configuration files for your prettier:

  • .prettierrc
  • .editorconfig


xd will check your local binary eslint and configuration or it will use a fallback binary that we include.

No Server

Exists special cases where maybe you need to use xd without running a server.

You can use the binary: xd-ns or xd --no-server.


$ xd --help

IDE Support

vim/nvim using ALE

let g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global = 1
let g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable = 'xd'
let g:ale_linters = {
  \ 'javascript': ['eslint']
let g:ale_fixers = {
  \ 'javascript': ['eslint']


:bug: If you found an issue we encourage you to report it on github. Please specify your OS and the actions to reproduce it.


:busts_in_silhouette: Ideas and contributions to the project are welcome. You must follow this guideline.


MIT © A GEUT project

npm i @geut/xd


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • GEUT
  • released 6/25/2021
