
GeoBlacklight Admin / A Rails engine for managing GeoBlacklight metadata



GeoBlacklight Admin is a GeoBlacklight plugin, built on Kithe, that provides a complex web-form for editing documents and an CSV-based import/export workflow for OpenGeoMetadata's Aardvark schema. GBL Admin is based on the Big Ten Academic Alliance's production workflow tool GEOMG.

GeoBlackliht Admin


  • Rails v7 (not v8)
  • Blacklight v7 (not v8)
  • GeoBlacklight v4 (not v5)
  • @geoblacklight/frontend v4 (NPM package)
  • Solr v8.4+
  • PostgreSQL (not MySQL-based DBs)
  • Redis (for Sidekiq)
  • OpenGeoMetadata's Aardvark Schema



You need a PostgreSQL database to use this project.

Install Template

Use Ruby v3.3 and Rails v7.1.4 to bootstrap a new GeoBlacklight + GBL Admin application using the template script:

rails _7.1.4_ new gbl_admin -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/geobtaa/geoblacklight_admin/develop/template.rb
cd gbl_admin
bundle exec rake geoblacklight:server

You have now generated the .internal_test_app and populated the Elements / FormElements tables for OMG Aardvark support.

View App in Browser

  1. Visit http://localhost:3000/admin
  2. Click on the "Sign in" link
  3. Enter email: [email protected] and password: 123456
  4. Click on the "GBL Admin" link
  5. Import some CSV (test/fixtures/files/btaa_sample_records.csv)


For Developer documentation see doc/developer.md


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.

TODOs / Roadmap

  • Send GBLADMIN JavaScript pack to NPM like Blacklight
  • Improve test coverage
  • Fix CI test runner
  • Debug Rails 7.2 support (remove devise_invitable, see #915)
  • Separate dct_references_s support into a separate model
  • Import/Export dct_references_s outside of the main document model
  • Migrate our GBL api controllers to just RSolr-based models
  • DRY up Gem dependencies and Engine routing
  • Remove any remaining GEOMG references
npm i @geoblacklight/admin

