
Calculates PoolTogether V5 winners with locally compiled solidity libraries using TEVM.

PoolTogether TEVM Winner Calculator

A TEVM-assisted toolkit for efficiently calculating winners of a prize pool draw in Node.js or in a browser.


This library is installable as an NPM package using the following command:

npm i @generationsoftware/tevm-winner-calc

How to Calculate Winners for a Vault

[!Important] This script batches RPC queries for a given vault, so you'll need to run it for each vault that you want to check prizes for. If you are querying results for many users, it is recommended to use a private RPC endpoint to avoid public rate limits.

import { computeWinners } from "@generationsoftware/tevm-winner-calc";

const winners = await computeWinners({
  chainId: 10,
  rpcUrl: "https://mainnet.optimism.io/",
  prizePoolAddress: "0xF35fE10ffd0a9672d0095c435fd8767A7fe29B55",
  vaultAddress: "0xa52e38a9147f5eA9E0c5547376c21c9E3F3e5e1f",
  userAddresses: ["0xe24bC6c67fEF2FFe40283c1359dCE44bd19c72C4"],

The results will look like the following, with an array of winners and a mapping of prize tier to prize indices for each winner:

    "user": "0xe24bC6c67fEF2FFe40283c1359dCE44bd19c72C4",
    "prizes": {
      "4": [
      "5": [

Optional Arguments


Ignores the last two tiers (canary tiers) when computing wins. Enabling this will significantly speed up the calculation, but should only be used if you have no need for canary tier wins in your application.


const winners = await computeWinners({
  ignoreCanaries: true


Set the multicallBatchSize argument in the input json file to limit multicall size (in bytes) for RPC calls. Different RPCs may have harsher limits than others.


const winners = await computeWinners({
  multicallBatchSize: 2048


The blockNumber argument can be set to run the script at a specific block number instead of the current block. Must be either a number or string that can be parsed into a BigInt.


const winners = await computeWinners({
  blockNumber: 121970626n


The debug argument is an optional boolean. When set, some extra logs will be included to help debug issues.


const winners = await computeWinners({
  debug: true

Local Development

  1. clone this repo
  2. install foundry
  3. run npm i and then forge install
  4. run npm run dev

WINDOWS INSTALLATION If you are installing on windows, you may need to increase your max filepath setting on git before running forge install by running the following command as administrator: git config --system core.longpaths true

npm i @generationsoftware/tevm-winner-calc


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • G9 Software Inc.
  • released 7/5/2024
