
GDQ's re-usable config for the ESLint JS/TS linter.

GDQ's eslint-config npm Build Status

Our re-usable config for the ESLint JS/TS linter.


  1. Install this config as a devDependency:

    npm i -D @gamesdonequick/eslint-config
  2. Follow the instructions here to use or extend our config: https://eslint.org/docs/developer-guide/shareable-configs#using-a-shareable-config

  3. This package actually includes multiple configs. One base config, one that adds typescript support, and one that adds react support. You can pick and choose what parts you wish to use. To use all three, your config might look like this:

    module.exports = {
       extends: [
npm i @gamesdonequick/eslint-config


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Games Done Quick, LLC
  • released 12/10/2020
