
This is [Flow's](https://github.com/facebook/flow) [parser](https://github.com/facebook/flow/tree/master/src/parser) modified and packages for BuckleScript. The changes that have been made are not alterations to how the Flow parser works, but simply to ge


This is Flow's parser modified and packages for BuckleScript. The changes that have been made are not alterations to how the Flow parser works, but simply to get it to compile, mostly due to BuckleScript's older version of OCaml.

NOTE: The most significant alterations can be seen by going back to this repo's commit that adds the original Flow parser source files that were needed for the basic parser and lexer. A patch file that summarises the changes can be found here.

Furthermore the modules that will probably interest you as they're the entrypoint modules, Flow_parser and Flow_parser_js, are fully customised.

The entire package is namespaced to BsFlowParser. It can be installed from npm: yarn add wonka or npm install --save wonka, after which you can add the module to your bsconfig.json:

  "name": "<your name>",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "sources": ["src"],
  "bsc-flags": ["-bs-super-errors"],
  "bs-dependencies": [
+    "bs-flow-parser"

NOTE: If you're looking to use this package in JavaScript, it will work, but it's nonetheless recommended to use the official JSoO compiled version flow-parser

A small, non-scientific benchmark can be found here, tl;dr performance of the bundled parser seems to be on par with the JSoO version on npm.

npm i @gabnor/bs-flow-parser


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 12/24/2019

