
Automates the deployment of GitHub Pull Requests as Preview Environments using Helm and Helmfile
helm helmfile github pull request preview environment


Automates the deployment of GitHub Pull Requests as Preview Environments using Helm and Helmfile.



npm install -g @fountainhead/branch-officer

Basic Usage

Branch Officer typically runs as part of your Continuous Integeration/Deployment workflow (although it can be run through other means), so it expects a GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. Once this is set, you can invoke it like so:

branch-officer \
  --file $(pwd)/helmfile.d/preview-environments.yaml \
  --owner KontosoCorporation \
  --repo WidgetWarehouse

In this example, Branch Officer will enumerate all currently open on the KontosoCorporation/WidgetWarehouse repository, compare the releases entry in the Helmfile preview-environments.yaml, and display a table of Release entries that will be created, modified, deleted or left un-modified.

If you are satisfied with the proposed changes, you may add the --apply flag to modify the supplied Helmfile accordingly:

branch-officer \
  --file $(pwd)/helmfile.d/preview-environments.yaml \
  --owner KontosoCorporation \
  --repo WidgetWarehouse \

The changes to your Helmfile may then be committed to version control and applied to your cluster using helmfile sync.

Advanced Usage

Pull Request Metadata

By default, Branch Officer will create a Release entry with the following structure:

name: {{ name of the PR branch }}
chart: charts/{{ owner name }}/{{ repo name }}
    tag: {{ SHA of the PR's most recent commit }}

It is possible to modify the values of a Release on a per-release basis, by specifying 'metadata' in the Pull Request. This is encoded as YAML-formatted front-matter in the body of the Pull Request, which is then deep-merged with the default structure.

For example, if the body of your Pull Request looks like this:

apiReplicas: 2
uiReplicas: 1
This patch addresses the race condition caused by multiple API server instances
competing over a shared resource. To demonstrate that this works, I've set the
'apiReplicas' value in the Helm Release to '2'.

Then the Values will be merged into the Helmfile like so:

name: fix-race-condition
chart: charts/KontosoCorporation/WidgetWarehouse
  apiReplicas: 2
  uiReplicas: 1
    tag: {{ SHA of the PR's most recent commit }}

In order to create more exotic Release entries, including modification of properties outside of release.values, please refer to the next section.

Custom Pull Request > Release Mapper

It is also possible to create a JavaScript function that allows full control over the Release entry that will be created in the Helmfile. For example, use the SHA of the PR's most recent commit to update multiple images, create a mapper like so:

// mapPrToRelease.js

module.exports = ({branch, parsedMetadata, sha}) => ({
  name: branch,
  chart: 'charts/kontoso',
  values: [{
    api: {
      image: {
      name: 'quay.io/kontoso/widget-warehouse-api'
      tag: `sha-${sha}`
    ui: {
      image: {
      name: 'quay.io/kontoso/widget-warehouse-ui'
      tag: `sha-${sha}`

Then, use the --mapper argument to specify a path to the Mapper file:

branch-officer \
  --file $(pwd)/helmfile.d/preview-environments.yaml \
  --mapper $(pwd)/mapPrToRelease.js \
  --owner KontosoCorporation \
  --repo WidgetWarehouse \

The function exported by your Mapper file will be called with an object containing the following properties:

  • number (number)- The Pull Request number. For example, 123.
  • title (string) - The Title of the Pull Request. For example, 'Fix Race Condition'.
  • body (string) - The Body of the Pull Request.
  • sha (string) - The SHA of the most recent commit on the Pull Request.
  • branch (string) - The name of the branch the Pull Request was made for.
  • parsedMetadata (object) - Any YAML-formatted front matter from the body of the Pull Request, parsed as an Object. If no metadata was supplied or parsing failed, this defaults to an empty object ({}).
  • buildSucceeded (boolean) - Whether all reported 'build statuses' on the PR have passed. This is always true, as the Mapper function will not be called for failing PRs.

Required Status Checks

By default, Branch Officer requires that all applicable Status Checks pass in order for a Release to be created/updated. If a PR is currently failing to be built, it will be ignored.

It may be desirable to only require certain status checks to be considered. This is possible by supplying the --requiredStatusChecks argument. This argument may be passed multiple times to specify multiple required statuses. For example, to allow a release to be created/updated for a PR provided it passes the status checks named ci/circleci: test_ui and ci/circleci: test_api, use the following invocation:

branch-officer \
  --file $(pwd)/helmfile.d/preview-environments.yaml \
  --owner KontosoCorporation \
  --repo WidgetWarehouse \
  --requiredStatusChecks "ci/circleci: test_ui" \
  --requiredStatusChecks "ci/circleci: test_api" \
npm i @fountainhead/branch-officer


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Fountainhead Technologies Ltd.
  • released 9/12/2018

