
Analytical tools for inspecting FontoXML-optimized schema files.

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The Development tools for FontoXML can support a developer when configuring a FontoXML editor. This module contains commands for showing information about the schema.


This module is part of the FontoXML development tools and is not meant to be used separately. To install the FontoXML development tools, run the following command:

npm i -g @fontoxml/fontoxml-development-tools

Usage examples

fdt attributes [--schema <schemaPath>] [--columns name ns use defaultvalue ...]

Output a table with information about all attributes in a schema.

fdt attribute <attributeName> [--schema <schemaPath>]

Output schema information about a specific attribute. An attribute may have different definitions in the same schema, this command summarizes them all.

fdt elements [--schema <schemaPath>] [--columns name ns local desc atts ...]

Output a table with information about all elements in a schema.

fdt element <elementName> [--schema <schemaPath>]

Output schema information about a specific element, including detailed content model info.

fdt schemas [--columns package locations path]

Output a table with information about all schemas.

fdt simpletypes [--columns name variety format]

Output a table with information about all simple types in a schema.

npm i @fontoxml/fontoxml-development-tools-module-schema


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • The FontoXML Team
  • released 12/20/2018
