
Tools for building and test running a FontoXML connectors instance.
fontoxml connectors


This module can be used with the development tools for FontoXML, it contains command for building and running a connectors instance.


This module requires the following to be installed:

  • FontoXML license
  • FontoXML development tools
  • Docker


This module is part of the FontoXML development tools and is not meant to be used separately. To install the FontoXML development tools, run the following command:

npm i -g @fontoxml/fontoxml-development-tools

Usage examples

fdt connectors init --version <version> [--location <path>]

Initialize a new connectors instance.

fdt connectors upgrade --version <version> [--location <path>]

Upgrade the connectors instance to the specified version.

We recommend you to complete the connectors instance using the Getting started guide.

fdt connectors run [--location <path>] [--connectors-config-location <path>] [--verbose] [--debug]

Run to test the configuration.

fdt connectors build [--location <path>] [--image-name <image-name>] [--image-tag <image-tag>] [--verbose] [--debug]

Build a production image.

npm i @fontoxml/fontoxml-development-tools-module-connectors


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • The FontoXML Team
  • released 2/22/2019
