
Highly customizable loader for generating responsive images.
srcset image picture responsive webpack webpack-loader


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Highly customizable loader for generating responsive images.


npm i -D @flexis/srcset-loader
# or
yarn add -D @flexis/srcset-loader

Usage example


import {
} from '@flexis/srcset-loader/runtime';
import url, {
} from './image.jpg';


.image {
    background-image: url('./image.jpg');

.webp .image {
    background-image: url('./image.jpg?{ "format": "webp" }');

.image.sm {
    background-image: url('./image.jpg?{ "width": 320 }');


Src object

Option Type Description
id string Id, computed with resourceId option.
format 'avif' | 'webp' | 'jpg' | 'png' | 'gif' | 'svg' Image file format.
type string Mime type of image.
width number Image width.
height number Image height.
url string Image url.

Loader exports

Option Type Description
default string Source image url.
src Src Source image.
srcSet Src[] Generated images.
srcMap Record<string, string> Id-to-url map.

Runtime exports

Located in @flexis/srcset-loader/runtime.

Option Type Description
groupBy (srcSet: Src[], field: string) => [string, Src[]][] Group images by field.
filterBy (srcSet: Src[], field: string, value: any) => Src[] Filter images by field value.
toString (srcSet: Src[]) => string Make srcset attribute string.

Query parameters

With @flexis/srcset-loader you can add query parameters to image imports. Examples:

Generate image with given rule:

import url from './image.jpg?{ "width": [1, 0.5], "format": ["webp", "jpg"] }';

Select default exportable image variant:

import url from './image.jpg?width=320';

Select default exportable image from given rule:

import url from './image.jpg?width=0.5&{ "width": [1, 0.5], "format": ["webp", "jpg"] }';

Use commonjs exports:

const url = require('./image.jpg?commonjs');



module.exports = {
    module:  {
        rules: [{
            test: /\.jpe?g$/,
            use:  {
                loader:  '@flexis/srcset-loader',
                options: {
                    rules: [{
                        match:  '(max-width: 3000px)',
                        width:  [1, 1920, 1280, 720, 560, 320],
                        format: ['webp', 'jpg']
                    scalingUp: false

Common options

Option Type Description Default
processing Partial<IProcessingConfig> Object with Sharp configs for each supported format. see defaults.ts
optimization Partial<IOptimizationConfig> Object with imagemin plugins for each format. see defaults.ts
skipOptimization boolean Do not optimize output images. false
scalingUp boolean Generate images with higher resolution than they's sources are. true
postfix Postfix Postfix string or function to generate postfix for image. see defaults.ts
resourceId Postfix Function to generate id for image. (width, _, format) => `${format}${width}`

Exports options

Option Type Description Default
width number Width to match image.
format 'avif' | 'webp' | 'jpg' | 'png' | 'gif' | 'svg' Format to match image.
commonjs boolean Use CommonJS exports.
Notice: Vue doesn't support ES6 exports with loaders, so you should set this prop to true.

Rule options

Extends common options.

Option Type Description Default
match Matcher There is support of 3 types of matchers:
1. Glob pattern of file path;
2. Media query to match image by size;
3. (path: string, size: ISize, source: Vinyl) => boolean function.
all images
format SupportedExtension | SupportedExtension[] Output image(s) formats to convert. no convert
width number | number[] Output image(s) widths to resize, value less than or equal to 1 will be detected as multiplier. [1]
exports IExports Default exported image description.
Also you can pass it through query parameters.
Example: background-image: url(./image.jpg?width=320&format=webp);
only boolean Stop trying to match other rules, if this rule is matched. false

Loader options

Extends common options.

Option Type Description Default
name string | Function See file-loader docs. Also [postfix] placeholder is available.
outputPath string | Function See file-loader docs
publicPath string | Function See file-loader docs
context string See file-loader docs
emitFile boolean See file-loader docs true
regExp RegExp See file-loader docs
processOnce boolean If you have multiple configurations this option will useful to process assets only once across all compilations. false
rules IRule[] Rules. []
exports IExports Default exported image description.
Also you can pass it through query parameters.
Example: background-image: url(./image.jpg?width=320&format=webp);

Using with TypeScript

Add it to your globals.d.ts:

declare module '*.jpg' {
    const url: import('@flexis/srcset-loader/types').Url;
    const src: import('@flexis/srcset-loader/types').Src;
    const srcSet: import('@flexis/srcset-loader/types').SrcSet;
    const srcMap: import('@flexis/srcset-loader/types').SrcMap;
    export default url;
    export {
npm i @flexis/srcset-loader


  • MIT
  • >=12.0.0
  • dangreen
  • released 5/19/2021

