
Core functionalities of all cms Attributes.
webflow attributes no code

cmscore Attribute

Core functionalities of all cms Attributes.

CDN Import

Important: Do not manually import this package into your project. All cms packages dynamically import it only when required, you don't need to do anything.


JavaScript API

Each cms attribute uses cmscore under the hood, creating an instance of CMSList.

All list instances can be accessed from window.fsAttributes.cms.listInstances, but the safest way to access an attribute's instance is by using the window.fsAttributes.push() method (see each Attribute's docs for more info).

The CMSList instance has a few properties and methods that can be used to extend its functionalities. You can also subscribe to specific events.

Each individual Collection Item is stored as a CMSItem instance, which also has some methods and properties.

CMSList instance

interface CMSList {
   * The `Collection List Wrapper` element.
  wrapper: HTMLDivElement;

   * The `Collection List` element.
  list?: HTMLDivElement | null;

   * The `Pagination` wrapper element.
  paginationWrapper?: HTMLDivElement | null;

   * The `Page Count` element.
  paginationCount?: HTMLDivElement | null;

   * The `Previous` button.
  paginationPrevious?: HTMLAnchorElement | null;

   * The `Next` button.
  paginationNext?: HTMLAnchorElement | null;

   * An element used as scroll anchor.
  scrollAnchor?: HTMLElement;

   * An element that displays the total amount of items in the list.
  itemsCount?: HTMLElement;

   * An element that displays the amount of visible items.
  visibleCount?: HTMLElement;

   * A custom `Initial State` element.
  initialElement?: HTMLElement | null;

   * A custom `Empty State` element.
  emptyElement?: HTMLElement | null;

   * Defines if the `Empty State` is currently active (no valid elements to show).
  emptyState: boolean;

   * A custom loader element.
  loader?: HTMLElement;

   * Defines the total amount of pages in the list.
  totalPages: number;

   * Defines if rendered items should be paginated.
  paginationActive: boolean;

   * Defines the current page in `Pagination` mode.
  currentPage?: number;

   * Defines the query key for the paginated pages.
   * @example '5f7457b3_page'
  pagesQuery?: string;

   * Defines if the pagination query param should be added to the URL when switching pages.
   * @example '?5f7457b3_page=1'
  showPaginationQuery: boolean;

   * An array holding all {@link CMSItem} instances of the list.
  items: CMSItem[];

   * An array holding all unsorted {@link CMSItem} instances of the list.
  originalItemsOrder: CMSItem[];

   * Defines the amount of items per page.
  itemsPerPage: number;

   * Defines the amount of items per page.
  originalItemsPerPage: number;

   * An array holding all static {@link CMSItem} instances of the list.
  staticItems: CMSItem[];

   * An array holding all valid {@link CMSItem} instances of the list.
   * Items are set to valid/invalid by `cmsfilter` when performing any filter query.
  validItems: CMSItem[];

   * Defines if the entire `window.Webflow` instance must be restarted when rendering items.
   * If set, individual modules ('ix2', 'commerce', 'lightbox') will also be restarted.
  restartWebflow: boolean;

   * Defines if the Webflow `ix2` module must be restarted when rendering items.
  restartIx: boolean;

   * Defines if the Webflow `commerce` module must be restarted when rendering items.
  restartCommerce: boolean;

   * Defines if the Webflow `lightbox` module must be restarted when rendering items.
  restartLightbox: boolean;

   * Defines if the Webflow `slider` module must be restarted when rendering items.
  restartSliders: boolean;

   * Defines if the Webflow `tabs` module must be restarted when rendering items.
  restartTabs: boolean;

   * Stores new Collection Items in the instance.
   * @param itemElements The new `Collection Item` elements to store.
   * @param method Defines the storing method:
   * - `unshift`: New items are added to the beginning of the store.
   * - `push`: New items are added to the end of the store.
   * Defaults to `push`.
  addItems(itemElements: HTMLElement[], method?: 'unshift' | 'push'): Promise<void>;

   * Adds a static item to the Collection Instance.
   * @param itemsData An array of static items data.
   * @param itemsData.itemElement The new item to store.
   * @param itemsData.targetIndex The index where to place the new item.
   * @param itemsData.interactive Defines if the item will be interactive or not.
    itemsData: Array<{ itemElement: HTMLDivElement; targetIndex: number; interactive: boolean }>
  ): Promise<void>;

   * Restores the original items order.
  restoreItemsOrder(): void;

   * Clears all stored {@link CMSItem} instances from the list.
   * @param removeElements Defines if the {@link CMSItem.element} nodes should be removed from the DOM.
   * Defaults to `true`.
  clearItems(removeElements?: boolean): Promise<void>;

   * Recalculates the list object model based on the current props of the items
   * and triggers de correspondent mutations.
   * @param animateItems Defines if the rendered items should be animated.
   * @param animateList Defines if the list should be animated.
   * @returns The rendered items.
  renderItems(animateItems?: boolean, animateList?: boolean): Promise<CMSItem[]>;

   * Shows / hides the requested element.
   * If the `listAnimation` exists, it uses that animation.
   * @param elementKey The element to show/hide.
   * @param show The action to perform, `true` to show, `false` to hide. Defaults to `true`.
   * @param animate Defines if the transition should be animated. Defaults to `true`.
      | 'wrapper'
      | 'list'
      | 'emptyElement'
      | 'initialElement'
      | 'paginationNext'
      | 'paginationPrevious'
      | 'loader',
    show?: boolean,
    animate?: boolean
  ): Promise<void>;

   * Adds an `Empty State` element to the list.
   * @param element The element to add.
  addEmptyElement(element: HTMLElement): void;

   * Adds a `Loader` element to the list.
   * @param element The element to add.
  addLoader(element: HTMLElement): void;

   * Adds an `Items Count` element to the list.
   * @param element The element to add.
  addItemsCount(element: HTMLElement): void;

   * Adds `Visible Count` elements to the list.
   * @param totalElement The `total` element to add.
   * @param fromElement The `from` element to add.
   * @param toElement The `to` element to add.
    totalElement?: HTMLElement | null,
    fromElement?: HTMLElement | null,
    toElement?: HTMLElement | null
  ): void;

   * Switches the current page.
   * @param targetPage The target page to set.
   * @param renderItems Defines if the list should be re-rendered.
   * If `false`, the rendering responsibilities should be handled by another controller.
   * @returns An awaitable Promise that resolves after the list has re-rendered.
  switchPage(targetPage: number, renderItems?: boolean): Promise<void>;

   * Scrolls to the anchor element of the list.
  scrollToAnchor(): void;

   * @returns An attribute value, if exists on the `Collection List Wrapper` or the `Collection List`.
   * @param attributeKey The key of the attribute
  getAttribute(attributeKey: string): string | null | undefined;

   * Gets the instance of the list for a specific attribute key.
   * @param key The attribute key. Example: `fs-cmsfilter-element`.
   * @example 'fs-cmsfilter-element="list-2"' // Returns 2.
  getInstanceIndex(key: string): number | undefined;

   * Destroys the instance.
  public destroy(): void;

CMSList events

Each CMSList instance provides some events that the user can subscribe to by using the CMSList.on(eventName, callback) method.


This event is fired every time that any Collection Items are rendered on the page. This includes:

  • The user has applied a filter and the list has changed the currently rendered items.
  • The user has switched a page and the list has rendered new items.
  • The user has sorted the items and the list has rendered the new items order.
  • The list has loaded more items and rendered them.

The callback function provides an array of the CMSItem instances that have been rendered.


listInstance.on('renderitems', (renderedItems) => {
  console.log('The following items have been rendered on the Collection List: ', renderedItems);


This event is fired whenever cmsload adds more items to the CMSList instance, or the user programatically does it with CMSList.addItems().

Adding items to the list doesn't mean that those items have been rendered (thus they are present in the DOM). cmscore keeps all items in memory and only renders the ones that are required to. If you want to access the items that are currently present in the DOM, you should use the renderitems event instead.

The callback function provides an array of the CMSItem instances that have been added.


listInstance.on('additems', (addedItems) => {
  console.log('The following items have been added to the CMSList memory: ', addedItems);


This event is fired whenever the user navigates to another page when using cmsload with pagination mode.

The callback function provides the new page index. This index is 0-based.

listInstance.on('switchpage', (targetPage) => {
  console.log('The user has navigated to the page number ', targetPage);

CMSItem instance

interface CMSItem {
   * The `Collection Item` element.
  element: HTMLDivElement;

   * The `Collection List` parent element.
  list: HTMLDivElement;

   * The element's current index in the rendered list.
  currentIndex?: number;

   * The element's static place.
   * If defined, it will convert the item to non-interactive.
   * Meaning that it can't be sorted, nor filtered. It will always stay at the same place.
  staticIndex?: number;

   * The URL of the item's `Template Page`.
  href?: string;

   * The item's properties.
   * Defined by {@link CMSItemProps}.
  props: CMSItemProps;

   * Defines if the item is valid to be rendered.
  valid: boolean;

   * Promise that fulfills when the item is rendered to the DOM.
  rendering?: Promise<void>;

   * Promise that fulfills when the item's render animation is fully finished.
  animating?: Promise<void>;

   * Defines if the item needs a Webflow modules restart.
  needsWebflowRestart: boolean;

   * Collects the props from child elements and stores them.
   * @param attributeKeys The attribute keys to use to collect the props.
   * @returns Nothing, it mutates the passed `CMSItem` instances.
  collectProps({ fieldKey, typeKey, rangeKey }: { fieldKey: string; typeKey?: string; rangeKey?: string }): void;

interface CMSItemProps {
  [key: string]: {
     * Defines the prop values.
    values: Set<string>;

     * Defines the elements that hold the prop values.
     * The Map is used as [propValue, data].
    elements: Map<
         * The prop element.
        element: HTMLElement;

         * Stores the original outer HTML of the element before any mutations.
        originalHTML: string;

     * Defines filter values to highlight in a Map like:
     * ```
     * [propValue, data]
     * ```
    highlightData?: Map<string, { filterValue?: string; highlightCSSClass: string }>;

     * Defines the type of the value.
     * @example `date`
    type?: string | null;

     * Defines the mode of the prop.
     * @example `from` | `to`.
    range?: string | null;
npm i @finsweet/attributes-cmscore


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Finsweet
  • released 5/15/2023
