
Small tool uploading assets to CDN backend (Google Cloud Storage)
CDN upload assets


Small tool uploading assets to CDN backend (Google Cloud Storage)

Build Status Greenkeeper badge


You must either specify key-filename or specify credentials which is a base64 encoded JSON.stringify version of the JSON based keyfile containing credentials used when talking to Google Cloud Storage (GCS).

//base 64 encoded keyfile
const credentials = require('keyfile.json');
const credentialString = JSON.stringify(credentials);
return new Buffer(credentialString).toString('base64');



$ npm install @finn-no/cdn-uploader -g

Actual usage:

$ cdn-uploader -a test-app /tmp/cdn-assets
-- Uploaded assets --

Get help:

$ cdn-uploader -h
cdn-uploader [options] <assetsFolder>

  -a, --app-prefix     Application prefix used in the CDN url[string] [required]
  -k, --key-filename   JSON key file used to authenticate with Google Cloud
                       If not set, the credentials option is used.      [string]
  -c, --credentials    Stringified and base64 encoded version of the JSON key
                       file used to authenticate with Google Cloud Platform.
                       Can also be set as CDN_UPLOADER_CREDENTIALS environment
                       variable                                         [string]
  -b, --bucket-name    Google Cloud Storage bucket to use.
                                              [string] [default: "fiaas-assets"]
  -p, --project-id     Google Cloud Storage projectId.
                                                 [string] [default: "fiaas-gke"]
      --cache-control  Override the cache-control header for the assets
                                   [string] [default: "public, max-age=2592000"]
  -f, --flatten        Flatten filestructure          [boolean] [default: false]
  -n, --dry-run        Print a list of which files would be uploaded   [boolean]
  -r, --resumable      Resumable upload                [boolean] [default: true]
  -V, --validation     Validation for upload           [boolean] [default: true]
  -s, --batch-size     How many files to upload in each batch
                                                         [number] [default: 100]
  -h, -?, --help       Show help                                       [boolean]
  -v, --version        Show version number                             [boolean]

All options can also be set as environment variables, using the CDN_UPLOADER_ prefix. E.g.: CDN_UPLOADER_APP_PREFIX, CDN_UPLOADER_CREDENTIALS, etc.

Excluded files

All files or folder beginning with a "." is automatically excluded (e.g. .gitignore) and will not be uploaded.


You may also override other options if you like (handy for testing)

  • --key-filename - JSON key file used to authenticate with GCP. If not set CDN_UPLOADER_CREDENTIALS environment variable is used.
  • --bucket-name - GCS bucket to use.
  • --project-id - GCS projectId.

You can also use environment variables for these options, just use the prefix CDN_UPLOADER_.

Where does my files end up?

The files uploaded to GCS is made available on the public GCS hosting at:


This is again exposed by our CDN at:


Cache time?

All files uploaded to CDN is configured with Cache-Control: public, max-age=2592000, meaning that clients may cache the assets for up to 30 days.

npm i @finn-no/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • FINN.no
  • released 10/24/2016
