
This package saves a biz-ops schema to s3


This package saves a biz-ops schema to s3


sendSchemaToS3(fileName, bucketName, includeTestDefinitions)

This saves the rawData contained in the local biz-ops-schema-sdk instance to the bucketName s3 bucket (defaulting to the environment variable BIZ_OPS_SCHEMA_BUCKET), naming the file fileName.

Deploy CLI command

This package provides the CLI command of biz-ops-schema-publisher for publishing a set of schema yaml files to S3.

Usage: biz-ops-schema-publisher [options]

Publish schemas to S3 bucket

  -D, --schema-directory <directory>  directory to the schema. (default: "process.env.BIZ_OPS_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY")
  -B, --bucket-name <bucket>          S3 bucket name which you want to upload. (default: "process.env.BIZ_OPS_SCHEMA_BUCKET")
  --include-test-definitions <bool>   Whether to include definitions intended only for the test environment in the release. (default: false)) (default: false)
  -F, --file-name <env>               The file name (including path) to save the json schema as
  -V, --version                       output the version number
  -h, --help                          output usage information


  biz-ops-schema-publisher -D ./example-schema -B schema-bucket -F latest.json

You can see this help by typing biz-ops-schema-publisher -h.

npm i @financial-times/biz-ops-schema-publisher


  • ISC
  • 18.x
  • Unknown
  • released 12/13/2023
