
Express-style router for Fastly Compute.
fastly compute edge router


Express-style router for Fastly Compute.

Using expressly

Check out the docs.

First, head over to developer.fastly.com to get started with JavaScript on Fastly Compute:

  1. Learn about Fastly Compute: developer.fastly.com/learning/compute/
  2. Create your first JavaScript app: developer.fastly.com/learning/compute/javascript/

Install expressly

Install expressly from the npm registry:

npm i @fastly/expressly
yarn add @fastly/expressly

Your first expressly app

Replace the contents of your Compute app's src/index.js with the following:

import { Router } from "@fastly/expressly";

const router = new Router();

router.get("/", async (req, res) => {
  return res.send("Hello world!");


Try it out

Start your app locally:

fastly compute serve

This will start your service on http://localhost:7676.


Check out the JavaScript code examples for Compute on Fastly's Developer Hub.

npm i @fastly/expressly

