
A simple, minimal PostgreSQL session store for Connect/Express

Connect PG Simple

A simple, minimal PostgreSQL session store for Express/Connect

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npm install connect-pg-simple

Once npm installed the module, you need to create the session table in your database. For that you can use the [table.sql] (https://github.com/voxpelli/node-connect-pg-simple/blob/master/table.sql) file provided with the module:

psql mydatabase < node_modules/connect-pg-simple/table.sql

Or simply play the file via a GUI, like the pgAdminIII queries tool.


Examples are based on Express 4.

Simple example:

var session = require('express-session');

  store: new (require('connect-pg-simple')(session))(),
  secret: process.env.FOO_COOKIE_SECRET,
  cookie: { maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } // 30 days

Advanced example showing some custom options:

var pg = require('pg')
  , session = require('express-session')
  , pgSession = require('connect-pg-simple')(session);

  store: new pgSession({
    pg : pg,                                  // Use global pg-module
    conString : process.env.FOO_DATABASE_URL, // Connect using something else than default DATABASE_URL env variable
    tableName : 'user_sessions'               // Use another table-name than the default "session" one
  secret: process.env.FOO_COOKIE_SECRET,
  cookie: { maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } // 30 days

Express 3 (and similar for Connect):

var express = require('express');

  store: new (require('connect-pg-simple')(express.session))(),
  secret: process.env.FOO_COOKIE_SECRET,
  cookie: { maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } // 30 days

Advanced options

  • pg - Recommended. If you want the session store to use the same database module (compatible with pg / pg.js) as the rest of your app, then send it in here. Useful as eg. the connection pool then can be shared between the module and the rest of the application. Also useful if you want this module to use the native bindings of pg as this module itself only comes with pg.js.
  • ttl - the time to live for the session in the database – specified in seconds. Defaults to the cookie maxAge if the cookie has a maxAge defined and otherwise defaults to one day.
  • conString - if you don't have your PostgreSQL connection string in the DATABASE_URL environment variable (as you do by default on eg. Heroku) – then you need to specify the connection string or object here so that this module that create new connections. Needen even if you supply your own database module.
  • schemaName - if your session table is in another Postgres schema than the default (it normally isn't), then you can specify that here.
  • tableName - if your session table is named something else than session, then you can specify that here.
  • pruneSessionInterval - sets the delay in seconds at which expired sessions are pruned from the database. Default is 60 seconds. If set to false no automatic pruning will happen. Automatic pruning weill happen pruneSessionInterval seconds after the last pruning – manual or automatic.
  • errorLog – the method used to log errors in those cases where an error can't be returned to a callback. Defaults to console.error(), but can be useful to override if one eg. uses Bunyan for logging.

Useful methods

  • close() – if automatic interval pruning is on, which it is by default as of 3.0.0, then the timers will block any graceful shutdown unless you tell the automatic pruning to stop by closing the session handler using this method.
  • pruneSessions([callback(err)]) – will prune old sessions. Only really needed to be called if pruneSessionInterval has been set to false – which can be useful if one wants improved control of the pruning.



  • Fix: If the pg instance used is created by this module, then this module should also close it on close()


  • Improvement: Rather than randomly cleaning up expired sessions that will now happen at the options.pruneSessionInterval defined interval.
  • Breaking change: Clients now need to close the session store to gracefully shut down their app as the pruning of sessions can't know when the rest of the app has stopped running and thus can't know when to stop pruning sessions if it itsn't told so explicitly through thew new close() method – or by deactivating the automatic pruning by settinging options.pruneSessionInterval to false. If automatic pruning is disabled the client needs to call pruneSessions() manually or otherwise ensure that old sessions are pruned.


  • Fix regression: No longer default to public schema, as added in 2.2.0, but rather default to the pre-2.2.0 behavior of no defined schema. This to ensure backwards compatibility with the 2.x branch, per semantic versioning best practise.


  • Hotfix: Update require('pg') to match package.json, thanks for reporting @dmitriiabramov


  • New: Now possibly to set another schema than the default
  • Change: Now using the pg dependency again rather than pg.js as the latter will be discontinued as pg now fills its role


  • Fix bug with creating new sessions that was caused by 2.1.0


  • Enable the table name to be configured through new tableName option


  • Backwards incompatible change: Support for Express 4 means that Express 3 apps (and similar for Connect apps) should send express.session to the module rather than just express.
  • Dependency change: The database module is now pg.js rather than pg – same library, but without compilation of any native bindings and thus less delay when eg. installing the application from scratch.


  • Support for PostgreSQL versions older than 9.2


  • Fix for sometimes not expiring sessions correctly


npm i @evansolomon/connect-pg-simple


  • MIT
  • 0.10.x
  • Pelle Wessman
  • released 8/9/2015

