
`rollup-contracts` is the set of smart contracts written in Solidity for Optimism's Optimistic Rollup.


rollup-contracts is the set of smart contracts written in Solidity for Optimism's Optimistic Rollup.

Requirements and Setup

Clone the parent repo optimism-monorepo and follow its instructions.


rollup-contracts is tested with Node.js and has been tested on the following versions of Node:

  • 11.6.0

If you're having trouble getting rollup-contracts tests running, please make sure you have one of the above Node.js versions installed.

Running Tests

rollup-contracts makes use of a combination of Mocha (a testing framework) and Chai (an assertion library) for testing.

Run all tests with:

yarn test

So that Python and Vyper aren't requirements for our other components, we do include a compiled-contracts folder which contains JS exports of the bytecode and ABI. Compilation is done automatically before testing.



The following environment variables must be configured to deploy contracts:

L1 Node:


  • L1_NODE_INFURA_NETWORK - The network to use for Infura deployments.
  • L1_NODE_INFURA_PROJECT_ID - The Project ID to use for Infura deployments.


  • L1_NODE_WEB3_URL - The URL of the node through which the deployment will be done.

Deployment Wallet


  • L1_CONTRACT_DEPLOYMENT_PRIVATE_KEY - The private key to use for contract deployment.


  • L1_CONTRACT_DEPLOYMENT_MNEMONIC - The BIP-39/BIP-44 wallet mnemonic to use for contract deployment.

Contract / Deployment Variables

  • L1_CONTRACT_OWNER_ADDRESS - The owner of the deployed contracts (where applicable). Defaults to deployer address if not provided.
  • FORCE_INCLUSION_PERIOD_SECONDS - The maximum time in seconds between when a tx may be executed in L2 and when it must be mined on-chain
  • L1_SEQUENCER_ADDRESS - The address of the sequencer that will be authorized to submit rollup blocks.
  • L1_ADDRESS_RESOLVER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - (optional) The Address Resolver contract to use to determine which contracts actually need to be deployed. Contracts registered with this AddressResolver will not be re-deployed.


After proper configuration, you can deploy all contracts by running:

yarn run deploy:all
npm i @eth-optimism/rollup-contracts


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 10/9/2020
